We participate in the Au Pair program. It’s an exchange program overseen by the State Department that matches families who have childcare needs with young people who are looking to spend a year in another country and take some classes abroad. We started with it when Adam was just a few months old and have […]
Archive for the ‘life’ Category
Passover, Tidbyt & TrainTrackr, and gardening
When our flight from Philadelphia landed in San Francisco a few weeks ago, it was cool and very dark. We don’t usually take such late flights, but the timing and cost worked out that way this time. It had been a bit of a rough flight due to the boys missing naps too, but at […]
Crafts, goats, and the rest of our March visit to Philly
I had a delightful time at the typewriter shop while we were in Philly, but unfortunately the two subsequent weeks didn’t go as planned. We all ended up dreadfully sick, with fevers, coughs, and it got so bad that the whole family went to urgent care to rule out some of the most worrisome things […]
We went to a typewriter shop in Philadelphia!
My new found fascination with typewriters is a bit unusual. I’m a computer-focused tech enthusiast and while I’ve always held a special place in my heart for the mechanical, it wasn’t until I had an old manual typewriter sitting on my desk every day that it blossomed into something a bit more. I don’t use […]
Friends, Purim, and libraries
Pre-COVID, I’d say the majority of my social interactions came while I was traveling, and I was a bit of a hermit when I was at home. I didn’t see my local friends a whole lot, in spite of the tremendous amount of value I placed on them. Now with things opening up, but my […]
Trees, flowers, and a lake with the kiddos
Losing Caligula has been hard. I keep finding cat toys tucked behind doors and under furniture. This particular grief is definitely going to take some time to resolve, it’s been years since I’ve lived without a pet, and he was so incredibly special to me. Earlier this month was the Jewish holiday of Tu BiShvat, […]
Wet/dry January, old/new tech
It’s now the second month of 2023, and I can confirm that the arbitrary changing of the calendar year has not, in fact, made our immune systems better at fighting off every random bug that Adam brings home from preschool. At the beginning of January it was a brutal stomach bug, and we are now […]
Adam is 4!
Adam turned four in early January. It’s a little hard to believe that four years ago I had my first newborn at home! His birthday landed on a Friday and unfortunately he wasn’t feeling very well that evening. Instead of going out to dinner as planned, we spent the evening playing Lights Out! in his […]
Winter Holidays in Philadelphia
On December 14th we flew to Philadelphia to spend three weeks with family and friends over the winter holidays. Things didn’t exactly go as planned. As soon as we got into town it was clear that the kids had caught some kind of cold. A few days later MJ ended up on antibiotics, and the […]
Aaron is 2!
Just after the pandemic began in 2020, we learned I was pregnant. It culminated in having beautiful little Aaron in December. Which means, he just turned two years old! Aaron has been really into buses lately, so theme-wise it was nice to do one around buses for him. Unfortunately the buses that all the party […]