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Archive for the ‘ubuntu planet’ Category

UCW: Working With Other Groups In Your Community

On Wednesday for Ubuntu Community Week, a week long series of sessions in IRC (Internet Relay Chat), I did a presentation titled “Working With Other Groups In Your Community” where I explored some of the projects that LoCo (Local Community) teams I’m involved with have worked on over the years. I was inspired to do […]

Fosscon is approaching!

Fosscon on July 23rd in downtown Philadelphia is quickly approaching! I mentioned back in May that I’d be flying out to Philly to do the keynote for Fosscon and now the speaker line-up also includes: Deb Nicholson – Community Organizing for Free Software Activists Mark Jason Dominus – Join my army of git zombies Walt […]

Can you write article summaries for Ubuntu Weekly News?

Now that Ubuntu Weekly News is getting back on track we’ve identified some needs volunteer-wise. Back in January I posted Looking for a quick way to help Ubuntu Weekly News? Where I expressed our need to collect news and non-planet.ubuntu.com blog links about Ubuntu from the past week. We still need these, so thanks for […]

LoCo Directory: Now with default team time zones!

While we were all at UDS in Budapest last month there was a great session about the LoCo Directory. Toward the end of the session I piped up to ask about time zones. Time zones have always been a tricky problem for the directory, since some teams cover multiple time zones the first solution to […]

Here we go! wiki.ubuntu.com upgrade at 23:00 UTC

Over the past few months I’ve written a couple of posts regarding the status of the review and testing process to finally upgrade the contributing and team coordination resource wiki.ubuntu.com. Today Canonical Sysadmin Brad Marshall sent out this update: At 16th June 2011, at 2300 UTC for an estimated 1 hour wiki.ubuntu.com will be in […]

Buy Ubuntu earrings and help schools using Ubuntu!

Maile Urbancic is the co-founder and former CTO of the non-profit Partimus.org and founder of Boutique Academia, a business she founded to sell math, science, and technology themed accessories for women. Back in March she contacted the current Partimus crew to let us know that she had received permission from Canonical to begin producing Ubuntu […]

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Back in November we started having bi(mostly)-monthly meetings where we synced up the San Francisco Ubuntu Hour with the Bay Area Debian dinners, and June was no exception! It landed on this past Wednesday, which was also World IPv6 Day, and led to quite the conundrum as to what shirt to wear (Ubuntu? Debian? IPv6? […]

Happy World IPv6 Day!

I work as a sysadmin and my boyfriend works as a network engineer, you’d better believe we’ve been prepping for IPv6! As of Friday two of the four VPSes I maintain outside of work were running IPv6. As of yesterday? All of them. Thanks to Hurricane Electric, Linode and RAM Host for their IPv6 awesomeness. […]

UDS-O Budapest: Day 5

Friday was the last day of UDS (sad!) and it once again started off with some tasty breakfast and by me attending the Community Roundtable. One of the things that was discussed at length is making attending UDS for the first time easier for people. I really liked the suggestion of hosting an Ubuntu Classroom […]

UDS-O in Budapest: Day 4

Thursday was the busiest day of the summit for me. It started with the Community Roundtable where we discussed some of the webapp development community members are doing for Ubuntu resources and how Canonical can make it easier for them (setting up staging sites, expanding access without compromising security). There was also some talk of […]