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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

Lessons from Open Source Business Conference and the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit

Conference guides for OSBC and Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit Last month I attended the Open Source Business Conference. Lucky for me it was located at The Palace Hotel, right down the street from where I live! As I mentioned previously, I was able to gain entry by volunteering at the local groups table. I was […]

Union Square SF, dinners, BALUG

I sort of feel like I’m still on vacation. Work has certainly been demanding as usual, but working from home in an exciting city is a very different than doing the same while living in the suburbs anywhere. No longer do I feel confined to my home during the work day – my lunch break […]

LUG, LUG, LUG, LUG! Conference! LUG!

The first couple weeks I was living out here I took the time to get settled in and get a feel for the new place. Then it was off to checking out the local open source tech scene! I knew coming out here that there were a lot of tech groups in this area, especially […]

Sea lions? Check! Ferry Building? Check! Coit Tower? Check!

I love doing touristy things, and San Francisco has no shortage! A couple weeks ago MJ and I headed down to Pier 39 to explore the tourist scene and satisfy my craving for battered and fried fish. …oh! And to see the sea lions! Actually, the entire trip down was to see the sea lions. […]

Starting to settle in

The cats settled in faster than I am. This move to San Francisco brought a lot of change with it. I’m living in a city for the first time, I’m living with someone again, and although I didn’t change jobs, east coast company from the west coast has brought all kinds of challenges to my […]

The Move

First: We all (MJ, the cats and myself) arrived safely in San Francisco Tuesday evening. Friday I signed over the title for Blinker to my friend Nita. MJ arrived in Philly Saturday and we spent the day running errands that couldn’t be done Sunday or President’s day. One of the tasks we needed to do […]

It is my last week in Pennsylvania

When I moved to Pennsylvania 8 years ago I didn’t really have any kind of attachment to the area, but 8 years is a long time and over these past few weeks I came to realize how deep I had sunk my roots in here. It’s been painful to pull them up for the move, […]

Moving to San Francisco

The title says it all! Well, not all. I’m moving in February to live in San Francisco (first time living IN a city for me!) with my boyfriend MJ. A lot went into this decision to move and it hasn’t been an easy choice. For the past 8 years I’ve called the Philadelphia area my […]

Ubuntu California, Birthday, RiffTrax Live

And now those things from the past few weeks that I didn’t manage to cover in my last post… Meeting the San Francisco Ubuntu California folks! What a treat. Grant Bowman arranged to meet up at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company which was about half a block from where I was staying. I was able to […]

San Francisco Zoo

My trip to San Francisco this past weekend was a lot of fun. Lots of yummy food (sushi! thai! gyros! coffees! ice cream!), fantastic company, rug shopping, getting to meet some of the San Francisco portion of the Ubuntu California Team for beers on Saturday night, and a trip to the San Francisco Zoo. Huge […]