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Archive for the ‘san francisco’ Category

San Francisco Ubuntu Global Jam at Gandi.net on Sunday February 8th

For years Gandi.net has been a strong supporter of Open Source communities and non-profits. From their early support of Debian to their current support of Ubuntu via discounts to Ubuntu Members they’ve been directly supportive of projects I’m passionate about. I was delighted when I heard they had opened an office in my own city […]

New year, Snowpiercer, Roads of Arabia and projects

I’ve been home for a week now, and strongly resisted the temptation to go complete hermit and stay home to work furiously on my personal projects as the holidays brought several Day Job days off. On New Year’s Eve MJ and I went over to ring in the new year with my friend Mark and […]

3 weeks at home

I am sitting in a hotel room in Raleigh where I’m staying for a conference, but prior to this I had a full 3 weeks at home! I was the longest stretch I’ve had in months, even my gallbladder removal surgery didn’t afford me a full 3 weeks. Unfortunately during this blessed 3 weeks home […]

PuppetConf 2014

Wow, so many conferences lately! Fortunately for me, PuppetConf was local so I didn’t need to catch any flights or deal with hotel hassle, it was just a 2 block walk from home each day. My focus for this conference was learning more about how people are using code-driven infrastructures similar to ours in the […]

Market Street Railway Exploratorium Charter

Last month I learned about an Exploratorium Charter being put on by Market Street Railway. I’m a member of the organization and they do charters throughout the year, but my schedule rarely syncs up with when charters or other events are happening, so I was delighted when I firmed up my DebConf schedule and knew […]

August 2014 miscellany

It’s been about a month since my surgery. I feel like I’ve taken it easy, but looking at my schedule (which included a conference on the other side of the continent) I think it’s pretty safe to say I’m not very good at that. I’m happy to say I’m pretty much recovered though, so my […]

Google I/O 2014

Last week I had the opportunity to attend Google I/O. As someone who has only done much hardware-focused development as a hobby I’d never been to a vendor-specific developer conference. Google’s was a natural choice for me, I’m a fan of Android (yay Linux!) and their events always have cool goodies for attendees, plus it […]

Symphony, giraffes and pinnipeds

Prior to my trips to Texas and Croatia, MJ and I were able to make it over to Sherith Israel to enjoy the wonderful acoustics in a show by the Musicians of the San Francisco Symphony in a concert to benefit the SF-Marin Food Bank. It was a wonderful concert, and a wonderful way to […]

Ubuntu 14.04 Presentations at FeltonLUG and BALUG

This past week I’ve had the opportunity to join two separate Linux Users Groups (LUGs) to give presentations on the Ubuntu 14.04. The talks were a full talk version of the mini talk I gave at the release party in San Francisco last month, covering: Unity Desktop Server Phablet Xubuntu I’m a member of the […]

Open Business Conference 2014

Back in 2010 I attended the Open Source Business Conference for the first time. It was only a few months after moving to San Francisco, and that and the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit were my first exposure to major companies coming to conferences to get serious about open source adoption. It was a really inspiring […]