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Archive for the ‘tech’ Category

SeaGL 2018

I had the pleasure of participating in SeaGL this year. This conference was a special one in my calendar because it’s the last conference on my schedule before our son arrives, my key participation was in the form of giving one of the keynotes, and they were very transparent about their efforts to make a […]

LISA18 in Nashville

A couple weeks ago I was in Nashville, Tennessee for the first time, I carved out a little tourist time but my real reason for being there was LISA18! This is one of the handful of conferences I attended this year and didn’t speak at, but I was one the talks co-chair, so I was […]

All Things Open 2018

I say this every time I go, but All Things Open is one of my favorite conferences. The organizers are some of the kindest people I’ve ever worked with, their speaker line-up and attendees are some of the most diverse I’ve seen at an open source conference, and the quality of talks is always top […]

A keynote and more at Ohio LinuxFest 2018

At the beginning of October I flew out to Columbus, Ohio for the annual Ohio LinuxFest. I spoke there in 2016, so I was delighted when I was invited back this year not just to speak, but to deliver the closing keynote. The two-day event began on Friday, October 12th with a series of paid […]

Open Source Summit NA 2018

This was my second Open Source Summit in North America, having followed the one in Los Angeles last year, which I wrote about last September. At that first conference I spent most of my time getting familiar with the space around containers and Apache Mesos that I’d been quickly ramping up on. This year my […]

BALUG, Sonoma, and the 4th in Philly

Some changes in life circumstances recently has caused the past couple of months to be a bit more chaotic than I expected. Still, the usual outings and regular trips back east have continued. In late June I had the pleasure of going to a Bay Area Linux Users Group meeting for the first time in […]

DockerCon 2018

A few weeks ago I spent a couple days commuting up to San Francisco for DockerCon SF 2018 at Moscone West. This was my first DockerCon and my second time attending a conference in this venue, though last time was for Google I/O when I was living a couple blocks away so the commute was […]

DevXCon 2018

A few weeks ago I attended my second DevXCon. It was held in the dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco this year, which meant a BART ride and then a MUNI Metro ride to get to the venue, but it was still quite accessible to public transit. This year my colleague Judith and I put in […]

OpenStack Summit and OpenDevConf

Back in May I traveled to Vancouver for the second time in my life. The first was in 2015 when I was there for an OpenStack Summit, and the summit brought me back this time, as I was on the program committee and giving a keynote at OpenDevCon, co-located with the summit. It’s probably my […]

A cat and containers in Philadelphia

I spent the week before the OpenStack Summit/OpenDev in Vancouver over in Philadelphia. The point of this visit was to care for my sister-in-law’s cat for the week while they were out of the country. MJ flew out first and picked up our niece, Olive the cat, and I joined him on Saturday morning. Sadly, […]