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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Back East and Out West

A few weeks ago MJ and I flew to Philadelphia to do some visiting with family and so I could speak at LOPSA-East. The timing worked out well since it was also the week of our first anniversary and we got married in Pennsylvania. We had a wonderful dinner on our anniversary at the same […]

Ridgewood Schoolhouse Museum

Back in February I lost my grandmother. Due to her wishes, timing (middle of a rough winter in New Hampshire) and our family being spread all over the world there wasn’t a service immediately following her passing. So when I learned I’d be in New Jersey in April I made time in my schedule to […]

LOPSA East 2014 wrap-up

On Friday and Saturday I had the opportunity to finally attend and participate in a conference I’ve had my eyes on for years: LOPSA-East. I first heard about this conference several years ago while living in Philadelphia, but could never gather up the time or funds to attend. This year I was delighted to see […]

Tourist in Montreal

A couple weeks ago I was in Montreal for PyCon 2014. It was an amazing conference, but I was also glad to have some time to explore the beautiful city that is Montreal. On Thursday (2nd day of tutorials) I didn’t have anything scheduled conference-wise, so I met up with my friend and long time […]

PyCon 2014 wrap-up

As I mentioned in my post about the PiDoorbell workshop, this past week I attended my first PyCon in beautiful (if chilly) Montreal, QC. I did some touristing, but I’ll write about that once I have all my photos up… But now, the conference! It was the first conference I’ve attended where I volunteered to […]

PiDoorbell workshop at PyCon 2014 was a success!

This week I had the opportunity to attend PyCon for the first time. Since beginning to use Python in my systems work so much last year, I’ve had increasing interest in participating in this conference in some capacity, so when the opportunity came around at work to staff the HP booth here in Montreal I […]

May 3rd keynote and talk at LOPSA East

I’ve had a very busy year so far talk-wise. Back in January I gave a handful of sysadmin focused talks at Linux.conf.au in Perth, Western Australia. In February I did similar at the Southern California Linux Expo. In May I’ll be drifting slightly away from a Linux-only crowd to present at LOPSA-East in New Brunswick, […]

March in Maine visit

I spent the past week in Maine staying with my sister to visit with her, my nephew and my mother. In addition to obvious quality time with my sister and mother, I really wanted to have some bonding time with my little 20 month old nephew Xavier. And to not put them too much on […]


In my previous post I talked about my Ubucon presentation at the Southern California Linux Expo this year and the Ubuntu booth that was busy throughout the weekend. There was much more to SCaLE12x than Ubuntu though! On Friday I also had the opportunity to participate in the Infrastructure.Next event on Friday with a presentation […]

5 ways to get involved today: Wrap up

On Friday, February 21st I gave my talk on 5 ways to get involved with Ubuntu today at the Southern California Linux Expo’s Ubucon. I had a great audience who I was able to have some wonderful and inspiring chats with following my talk. There’s clearly a lot of interest in further involvement by user-level […]