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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Guinness, Jameson and prison (luckily not in that order)

Thursday morning I slept in a bit, because vacations are good for that. But by 11AM I was up and ready to go out, so I grabbed a bagel at a cute little cafe across from Trinity College and then bought a ticket on one of the City Sightseeing buses. Again it was my aunt […]

The Wicklow Mountains

On Wednesday I took my Aunt Mary Ellen’s advice and booked a Wild Wicklow Tour for the day. I have to extend thanks in her direction for all the great tips for this trip, plus thanks to my friend Scott Sweeny who had lots of great ideas following his recent honeymoon in Irleand (and posted […]

Leprechauns and Howth

After the zoo on Tuesday, Laura and I headed over to the Google Dublin office to meet up with a friend of hers for lunch (and got to have lunch with MJ too!). From there we split up and she headed over to Trinity Capital Hotel to do her second Ubuntu Open Week presentation while […]

Dublin Zoo!

I love zoos (no, really?!) so when I learned that Europe’s 2nd oldest zoo was the Dublin Zoo (est 1831) it was only natural that I’d spend part of my trip there! So on Tuesday of my trip I met up with Laura bright and early so we could get there when the zoo opened […]

The Vikings of Dublin

With all the hours of travelling under our belts and not a whole lot of sleep, not much else happened tourism-wise on Sunday night after the Ubuntu 10.10 release party in Dublin. On Monday morning MJ and I enjoyed a quick breakfast together before he had to head off to work and I to meet […]

Dublin Maverick Meerkat Release Party

On Saturday I took an 11:05 AM flight out of San Francisco, met up with MJ at the Philadelphia airport, and from there took a flight to Dublin, arriving on Sunday at 8:30 AM. Thankfully we were able to check in to the O’Callaghan Davenport Hotel early. We had a nice Irish breakfast at the […]

Philadelphia – foodadelphia!

When I was making plans to move to San Francisco one of the things I was most excited about was the plethora of amazing food that awaited me on the golden coast. I didn’t even bother to think how much I’d miss the food from Philadelphia! Pretty quickly I found a place for a good […]

Viva Las Vegas!

So, in Vegas we Saw Penn & Teller, got pink M&Ms, saw lots of animals, but how did we get there? Where did we stay? Where did we eat? Did we gamble? As I mentioned in a previous post, the trip was over a 4 day weekend to celebrate our Anniversary on the 3rd (oh, […]

Animals in Vegas (aside from the humans)

I asked a friend of mine for some advice regarding “stuff to see in Vegas” and among her recommendations was to check out the MGM Tigers, along with a mention of tigers at the Mirage. Animals in Vegas? Cool! So I went searching for what other kinds of animals could be found in Vegas and […]

Pink M&Ms!

While in Las Vegas last weekend I checked out the original M&M’s World. 4 stories of M&Ms merchandise, insane! But most notable was the “My Color” Wall which has M&Ms in all kinds of crazy colors. Including pink! So of course I got some. Pink ones taste better than the other colors, of course.