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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Going International!

Every year the world seems smaller to me. Since I got online in ’98 I’ve had friends all over the world, but I think I’ve just gotten more involved with people worldwide, become more conscious of conferences I want to attend, things happening that I’d like to see and getting to know more people I’d […]

Merry Christmas! And Good Things :)

It’s Christmas Eve! This evening I’m snuggled up on my couch with some hot chocolate, cookies and a couple kitties watching Hogfather. Splendid. Tomorrow Baerana invited me over to her place to spend the Christmas afternoon with her, b2s and a couple of their friends. It’s so nice to have friends to spend Christmas with. […]

The rest of my stay in Florida

Since I wasn’t flying out until Thursday evening, I had a few days to spend with family, which was nice. My mother flew back to Maine Wednesday morning, and that same day my some of my relatives took my grandfather out looking at dogs. He had decided that he’d start looking, and stopped at a […]

Grandma’s Obituary and Service

In case this goes away at some point, my Grandma’s obituary was published by Florida Today: Carol Flynn: CAROL FLYNN – PALM BAY – Carol Ann Flynn, 71, passed away Thursday, December 4, 2008 in Palm Bay. She will be sadly missed by her husband, Donald E. Flynn; loving children, Donald W. (Tayna) Flynn of […]

Crayola Factory

A couple weekends ago I went up to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA with my friend Stephen. The “factory” was pretty much a big activity center geared toward kids. There were some cool displays about the history of Crayola, and a little demo factory with a whole presentation on the basics of crayon and […]

Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine in Ashland, PA

Anyone who has been reading my blog of late knows I’ve been doing the local touristy thing this year. My latest conquest? Coal Mines. I knew Pennsylvania was a big coal state, but didn’t really think about the fact that there would be retired coal mines open for tours to the public, and was only […]

The Last HOPE

Last month I attended The Last HOPE with my friend Mike from New Jersey. It was a really fun weekend during which I took no pictures – so I sorted through Mike’s photos and am posting them to pass them off as my own. In spite of waiting years to go (Mike’s bugged me last […]

Last month I went to prison

A few years ago I was watching an episode of History Detectives titled Prison Plaque which researched the history of a discarded plaque found during some restoration of the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Immediately this made it on my mental list of places to check out. Trouble with mental lists is that they are […]

Trains w/ Michael

Last month Michael and I headed out to East Stroudsburg for a day trip. We had planned on going to an Amish farm tour, but upon arrival found it to be a bit of a tourist trap (hah!). So we ended up going over to the train museum. I knew about it because I’d been […]

Niagara Falls – The Falls and Skylon Tower

Saturday was the day for the Maid of the Mist and dinner at Skylon Tower. Maid of the Mist was fun – and wet! We took a late morning ride out. After that we did some wandering around the strip, relaxed for a while, then for dinner headed up to Skylon Tower. The food was […]