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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

Niagara Falls – Long walk and finally see the falls!

After the aviary we took a walk with the intention of seeing Simcoe St and then heading out to a brewery I found on one of the tourist maps I picked up. As we turned onto Simcoe St I saw a black squirrel. I knew about black squirrels but what I didn’t know was that […]

Niagara Falls – Arrival, Aviary

My friend Stephen and I took a trip up to Niagara Falls, Canada over the 4th of July weekend. We left midday on Thursday, stopped in my old stomping grounds of Seneca Falls to fill up with gas and say hello to an old friend, and arrived around 11PM in Canada. We checked into Ambiance […]

Weekend in DC – Part 2

So, just like my trip out to San Francisco, I managed to make my trip to DC during a heat wave. Highs near 100 don’t agree with me but by staying hydrated (carried a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE) and taking a reasonable number of breaks was the key to me getting through Saturday. Sunday […]

Weekend in DC – Part 1

I spent this past weekend in Washington DC. I went down with my friend Stephen on Thursday night. Friday was a work event for him, and I was able to work from the hotel (not something I can do often, but I love how flexible my job can be!). Friday night was a company dinner […]

I left a bit of my heart in San Francisco

I never thought I was the type to fall in love with California, but the other day I was driving down the turnpike and saw some fog. Did I think of Maine, the foggy home I’d lived in for 16 years? Nope, I thought of San Francisco, and found myself pining for it a bit. […]