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Archive for the ‘travel’ Category

An amazing time at LCA 2018 in Sydney

On Wednesday, January 24th, I had the pleasure of hearing Karen Sandler, the Executive Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, give the keynote at Linux.conf.au (LCA). Video here: Keynote: Six Years Later, or Hey, did you ever get the source code to that thing in your heart? She presented a strong message around software freedom […]

CubaConf 2017

I spent the second week of November in Havana, Cuba for CubaConf 2017. It’s an open source conference, and so much, more as their website explained: CubaConf, is an international conference about free software and open technologies that will have its second edition in La Habana from November 7th to 9th, 2017. CubaConf is a […]

Mi visita a Cuba

I was recently honored to have a speaking engagement accepted for CubaConf 2017. The conference lasted Tuesday through Thursday, so I flew in on Monday and left on Friday, giving me some buffer on each end of the trip to get settled in and explore the city a little bit while I was there. I’ll […]

Meetups in Germany

Earlier this month I spent several days in Germany. I made some time to do some tourist stuff, but I was actually there for work. I visited and worked from the Mesosphere office for a couple days and host a Meetup. I also made my way over to Berlin for a day to host a […]

Wall, Egyptians and a friend in Berlin

On November 1st I hopped on a Deutsche Bahn ICE train in Hamburg. A couple hours later stepped off in Berlin. It was drizzling out, but not enough to put me off the plans for the day, which included visiting the remains of the Berlin wall, the Egyptian Collection in the Neues Museum and a […]

Tiny things in Hamburg

I spent a week in Hamburg, Germany recently to meet with colleagues at our Hamburg HQ and host a couple Meetups. Booking my visit on the heels of MesosCon EU meant that the week I was there coincided with a national holiday. I learned that on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses […]

MesosCon EU 2017

I attended my first MesosCon was back in September in Los Angeles. In October I head the pleasure of participating in my second, this time the European version in Prague. As I’ve mentioned previously, this was a busy week for me. My participation in All Things Open kicked off the week, and I landed in […]

Tourist in Prague

I’m in the midst of a bunch of travel for work, with a trip to Prague directly following the fun I had in Raleigh at All Things Open. I took a flight out of Raleigh on Tuesday evening, making connections in Charlotte and London before finally landing in Prague on schedule on Wednesday evening. I […]

All Things Open 2017

The goal of the trip down to Raleigh last week was to attend All Things Open. I attended back in 2014 and was eager to attend again, but was hampered by conflicting events. This year I committed to going, in spite of an unfortunate overlap with the Open Source Summit in Prague, which is important […]

The Carolinian

On October 22nd I took another US train trip. Like my recent journey with MJ on the Coast Starlight down to Los Angeles, this trip on The Carolinian was a day trip to get me to a conference. This time I went with David from Philadelphia to Raleigh for All Things Open, the train left […]