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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

o/` Peter Murphy – The Line Between the Devil’s Teeth o/` Last night was really nice. Myk’s mother came over with her boyfriend, and we all headed out for the Indian food place down the street, yummie. Dinner was great, Myk’s mother brought a couple of bottles of really tastey red wine, and everyone enjoyed […]

o/` Mediaeval Baebes – I Am Eve o/` -@Time- survival is relative to your blackmarket worth. ^^ from this morning in irc, it makes me laugh I chatted with my 14 year old sister Annette yesterday afternoon. I noticed that her “buddy icon” on aol instant messanger was of Eminem, *sigh* I also realized that […]

o/` U2 – Where The Streets Have No Name o/` Yesterday I ended up doing a bit of work on the journal section of princessleia.com, I’m up to November now, woo! I think I will spend some time today doing that, ah repeditive mindless work… It’ll be worth it in the end tho. I took […]

o/` Tabitha’s Secret – Dizzy o/` So it got up to 79 degrees yesterday, today it’s supposed to break the 80 mark, ugh. I took a walk yesterday afternoon ’cause it was nice out, and decided to wear shorts instead of my usual pants. Ah! The seasonal “trying on last year’s clothes” exercise. To my […]

o/` Jack’s Lament – The Nightmare Before Christmas o/` So last night I finished Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett. I love his books, but I go through them so quickly, that one only took me two days. Ordered a couple more books from barnes and noble last night, used up most of the rest of […]

o/` Tangerine Dream – Cottage (Legend Soundtrack) o/` I got a spam email with the subject “NEW Portrait of Pope Available Now!!” … is this sorta like email spam redemption? I get this and it should make up for all the pr0n email I get at my yahoo! account. Yesterday was pretty slow, finished Guns […]

o/` Lacuna Coil – A Current Obsession o/` Two quick ways to make a first impression to me that’ll make me dislike you: “The USA is evil” “Linux sucks use BSD” Ok, there are LOTS more ways, but these are pretty key, and someone said them this morning. He came into the chat room and […]

o/` Rammstein – Weisses Fleisch o/` Well we have some great news, Myk is being promoted! YAY! The company he works for has been pretty crazy this year, not knowing whether they want to stick with all windows stuff, or go to all linux, or keep with the mixture that they have… and been very […]

o/` Crowded House – Don’t Dream It’s Over o/` I recieved an email a couple months ago from a woman in need of help from her abusive boyfriend (she got my email off my website, story here: Journal Entry About It (under all the mplayer stuff). Anyway, I emailed her a few days ago to […]

o/` Supreme Beings Of Leisure – Truth From Fiction o/` We had a nice evening at Myk’s mom’s yesterday, she’s such a great cook too, so we got a really yummie chicken dinner. We got to show off the new Rav4 too… it was all good, despite the snow. She also let us take home […]