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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Simcoe Home

Simcoe is home from the vet, we were able to pick her up in the evening after no complications from the surgery – yay! Except I seemed to have forgotten how invasive a spay is, she’s now got a big old collar on for 16 days to prevent her from tearing at her sutures. She […]

Simcoe goes to the vet…

Just dropped of Simcoe at the vet to get declawed (no lectures, please, I’ve heard them all) and spayed. I’m sure she’ll make it through surgery fine, I’m paying the extra fees for before-surgery blood work and paying extra to have it done with lasers (just like with Caligula – that’s why we chose this […]

Wifi & Debian

Wifi in Linux annoys me. After working on it yesterday evening and then this morning before work I was pretty fed up with the behavior of wireless on my new Debian install. It worked fine in Ubuntu. It even worked fine during the Debian installation! Arrrgg… Maybe I’ll load up the installer just so I […]

The Weekend

So I bailed on the InstallFest. I should have looked up the address sooner and organized appropriately. Instead of waited until Saturday morning to look up the place that for some reason I thought was in NE Philly. It was in Center City. Ack! It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t going down […]

Fancy meeting you here

OK, that’s weird… I just ran into my cousin who I haven’t spoken to in over a year in IRC. -!- Selekta [darkmyst@dm-32275.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #darkmyst < Selekta> Hello there!! < Selekta> No, shit. < Selekta> Pleia2 hm? Steven? < Selekta> Hi Beth. :D < Selekta> :D < Selekta> Hahaha omfg it’s my cousin! < […]

Caligula, A/C and Installfest coming up

Had to bring Caligula to the vet on Tuesday. His ears and the base of his ears on his “forehead” were all red. When I brought him in the first thing the vet said was “He’s all red!” to which I said “Aaah I know! What’s wrong with him?” After taking his temperature (not running […]

I’m now an Ubuntu Member!

This post is all about vanity, forgive me for a moment while I wade in it :) < nixternal> and pleia2 is rocking the Ubuntu US LoCo scene — I thought for some reason she was already a member…under a new name :) * elkbuntu cheers loudly for pleia2 * towsonu2003 cheers for pleia2 who […]

Tikibar and Rifftrax

It’s hot and humid out, they’re calling for showers this afternoon. What lousy Memorial Day weather! There is grilling to be done! Saturday was most spent doing errands, in the evening Michael and I decided to to check out The Tiki Bar @ Spring Mountain. It’s just on the other side of the mountain, probably […]

Ubuntu (again!?), Steve Roach, our yard and this (long) weekend.

I’ll shut up about Ubuntu at some point, but I just have four things to say: The Ubuntu PA LoCo Mailing list is finally up! – We’d been waiting for almost a month, serves us right for requesting it during the insanity around a version release when everyone is busy. Dell is now shipping Ubuntu […]

Ubuntu Links

Joe Terranova blgged about the PACS meeting Saturday and included some photos (I was caught in a couple, they aren’t terrible). Melissa Draper posted “An Open Letter to the Open Source Community”. It’s a good letter, the sort that I don’t think gets posted enough and even I neglect to raise often enough because the […]