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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Cab Fryes (and goodbye MJ!)

MJ, close friend of ours who attended our wedding, is moving out to California for work. It’s a great opportunity but I can’t help feeling sad that he’s leaving. Another “real life” friend turning into mostly just an “online friend” – arg :) He said we can come out and stay with him in San […]

Some Krumbach Family History (there is beer in my blood!)

I’m not the type to take a lot of pride (or shame) in what my distant relatives have done. I this sheds light onto one of my only “beliefs”: that we’re born into the families we’re born into simply by chance. As such we shouldn’t take too much pride out of what our ancestors did, […]

Hardware, errands and upgrading Ubuntu

Last month I posted about how I had given up on my Belkin wireless card and wanted to replace it. answered my plea and within a week I had the linux happy Linksys WPC11. It Just Worked in Ubuntu when I plugged it in. So awesome. The range is better than that of the Belkin […]

Warm day kitties

Sushi, Debian & local linux stuff

Last night I didn’t feel like eating in so Michael suggested we go out for sushi. We hadn’t been out for sushi in ages. There was a sushi place down in Jenkintown that we used to go to, but the last few visits have not impressed us much – I guess the neighborhood is just […]


Last year I only read a half dozen books. That’s like a drought to me, when I think back on the year I want to say “I didn’t read anything last year!” and frown. Looking back I had a lot going on last year, between work (full time + contract), planning a wedding, and diving […]

More Misc

I got at 5AM this morning, far too early. But I was in one of those wonderful moods where I should clean out my inbox and catch up with things and mails I tend to put in the “this is an easy/fun little thing, I’ll do it later when I’m unwinding” category. It’s surprising how […]


I haven’t felt like writing lately, but I have to mention a few things. My graphics card died this morning. SUCK. I have an old ATI card in my computer for the time being. Hopefully I can get a replacement soon, I miss my 1600×1200 dearly and the whole machine is slowed down by this […]


Her favorite toy is a yellow fluffy ball, which she has in her mouth heading for my desk to interrupt me while I’m trying to work! Simcoe and Caligula on a (yep, that’s a cord) electric blanket! Spoiled critters. Simcoe loves the fireplace Mugshot! And yes, as others said over on Michael’s blog, she changed […]

April Snow

It’s snowing. Not some flurries that don’t stick to anything – real actual snow. My poor poor daffodils! My daffodils have had a tough season. They started to come out of the ground back in January when we were having spring-like weather for a few weeks. Then some snow came, then an ice storm, then […]