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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy Birthday Winter! Well it’s my lil sisski winter’s birthday. She’s one of those people who doesnt say much when it is her birthday… so I was actually unsure I had the right date written down until I actually asked her, heh. Anyway, she’s a pretty cool girl, hates windows so we are trying to […]

Happy sunday… well guess what! My site is STILL down… bastards need to release the patch NOEW!!! s’fucking annoying, see, not only does this site need images hosted on my webserver, but also a couple other sites, and it’s really frustrating that I cant have them because sun wont get off it’s ass and write […]

Oh wow, I am so late at writing this entry that it’s tomorrow already, oops. Well I guess it’s not to terribly late to say happy birthday to my broski Rich. Happy Birthday Thrawnski! ‘Cept his bday was the 22nd, hehe…Anyway I actually went out today, hung out with people n stuff… Our friend Ed […]

So my webpage is still down, which obviously has me pretty bummed… Oh and we got the electric bill, no more A/C all day! Unless it’s really hot, so it’s getting pretty warm in here, I guess I could go to another room, since I know the computers are what cause most of the heat […]

Ok, time for a pissed off rant! So I’m logging onto Audiogalaxy this afternoon because I have never heard “Jimmy Eat World” before (I’m serious, I dont listen to the radio, what can I say?), so I think “hey, maybe I’ll go grab a couple mp3s and see if I like” … WELL they’ve gone […]

Ah a new day… Freaking lawn monkeys here at the apartment complex decided to start work at like 7 am… So my nose is all sniffly, stupid grass!! %) So yesterday my computer problems didnt simply end with the crap I explained… Myk came home and was able to fix my monitor problem. One of […]

*Sigh* … seemed like today would be so boring and basic like all the rest, but noooo all computers had to hate me today! This morning wasnt so bad, but this afternoon was awful.. first clockbot (our win2k print/scan/musik server) crashed, prolly ’cause I was playing mp3s on win media player all day and it […]

*Yawn* So I dont even know how much sleep I got last night… but it wasn’t much. I went to bed around midnight… woke up around 2.. sorta dozed til around 4, when I got up and played around online for a little bit, putting up a survey for the 13thhour page and stuff. I […]

I hate it when my webbrowser crashes and I lose a big post that I was writing, possibly the first time I didnt back it up, bleh!! *Bonks Opera* Ughh… well I will start over then. I actually did end up getting some work done today %) I was bored at first so I was […]

So like I said I would, I changed the logo of this little site ’cause the other was too crazy, and I decided I wanted to spam everyone with my URL %) I also decided that since I’m obviously keeping this xanga journal that I should join some blogrings (should? I dunno… I just felt […]