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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

So last night was nice… I decided that I didnt really feel like drinking beer, ’cause I wasnt much in the mood for a headache. We played some UT with a friend, that was fun, I won a couple matches, hehe… Then I was like “oh man i’m tired” And realized it was really late, […]

So I was going to go read, but then Myk suggested we pull out the beer, and beer+reading=getting nowhere in book … so I decided to go online instead. Yup, to the net where there are logs and blogs, all sorts of fun things to record my alcohol induced mistakes. Oh well… seriously I came […]

Ah today was ok, not so boring since Myk was home. We did a bit of rearranging in the computer room after finding some ants in the room… we cleaned the whole room and then decided while the furnature was out to move it. Fun fun… bleh. Myk also got a new computer chair, that […]

I hate these things… but alas, I’m bored. Oh the sentimental side of life! You are the fourth finger, the ring finger as it is sometimes known as. You value emotions and the small sentimentalities of life. Especially dreams of that you-know-who… Which finger are you?Take the quiz to find out.Oh god how awfully sappy… […]

So I am in a lousy mood again. Maybe it’s because of the rainy weather (er at least it was rainy last time I checked, like 3 hours ago). Still it’s all cloudy out… and although I used to love rainy weather I think now it might make me feel more trapped, unfortunately I know […]

I saw this on Leslie2003’s xanga site so I took the quiz… how the hell? Lol. Silly… This one was kinda humorous tho:Take the What High SchoolStereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.It’s quite comical how these quizzes contradict each other so.

Well I went for a walk.. even got a little adventurous and walked down a couple trails I had never been down before, it was very interesting. One of them was an overgrown trail that was obviously hardly used that went down to a little stream where it stopped. This seemed very odd to me, […]

Ugh… I’m freaking bored. S’one of those terrible depressive boredoms that makes me wanna go take a nap, I hate that. Moods where all I feel like doing is sleeping suck. *Yawn*So last night for dinner I tried to make eggplant parmasean… it didnt turn out too bad.. just the eggplant wasnt as cooked as […]

I’ve been slacking on this lately, ah maybe I’ll make up for it today %)I didnt mention yesterday that I finished Tales from Watership Down, I was even too sleepy yesterday afternoon to write a review on it, so I wrote it today : Tales From Watership Down, By Richard Adams, 262 pages I read […]

Myk and I went for a walk again last night, it was nice… saw some rabbits %) and dark since we went out around 9 pm… Hopefully we can make thsi a habit while the weather is nice %)I didn’t sleep too well last night, the worst in weeks, I dunno what’s up. I thought […]