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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ah another day… I got lots of laundry done and vacuumed the apartment, woohoo! Oh and wrote like, a 18k email to a friend of mine, ah how longwinded I can be in my emails! Of course his email to me was quite long too, hehe. Anyway.. I also went processor and motherboard shopping… errr […]

I just finished reading The Image Makers, by Bernard Dryer. I posted a review on my website, but I am gonna try to make a habit of posting them here as well. so here it is:I guess the only reason I read this book was ’cause it was on my bookshelf and I hadn’t read […]

Ah well yesterday didnt turn out to be as boring as I thought it would be %) We ended up going out to buy some new musik (Myk was disappointed with the last album he bought and wanted to get something new)… and went to Borders, but their ambient section isnt the greatest, so we […]

*Yawn* Ack I’m a yawner! We went to Unos last night for dinner, like an idiot i ordered mozzerellas sticks, my lactose intolerance gets worse and worse every week, i swear. Ended up getting all sick when I got home, it sucked. Luckily it was still cool out, like in the 50s.. we ended up […]

*Yawn* So I made a pretty logo, I think it’s too busy tho, I’ll prolly change it someday to make it less so. And I made the site have a black background, ’cause it was too blue…I didn’t do much today… cleaned the bathroom and kitchen (woohoo!) I used this new bleach cleaner stuff, and […]

SO yesterday afternoon I decided to take a walk around 3 pm… dispite my terrible alergies and the thunderstorm advisory(it was sunny, I swear!). I grabbed the walkman and an old tape I had and went out. See there is this trail that goes around the apartment complex, a mile long, so I thought I’d […]

PLUG was ok last night.. a presentation on KDE scripting, which doesnt exactly interested me too much… seeing as I dont use KDE %)We got home around 11:15 last night, I was feeling awful ’cause after the PLUG meeting we went to this place called “The Wurst House” for food, they have a really great […]

I talked to my friend Katie last night, it had been over 2 1/2 years… things went better than could be expected I guess, she was pretty non responsive at first, but then talked summore, it ended up being an alright conversation, and I got her permission to post some funny little articles on my […]

o_O It’s too early in the morning. Well I guess this weblog thing isnt too bad, it’s an interesting idea, letting your journal be posted on the ‘net, but hey, I have nothing to hide so why not! It’s also coincidentally interesting that this site matches my own website pretty well, I should link it…So […]

Ok… I guess I’ll just keep up this log til I feel like I am not bored anymore to continue it %D Hmm, so today I spent way too much time doing those little quizzes, you know, the ones that give you a little link and tell you you are some sort of mythical creature […]