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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

LinuxChix, PLUG, Etch (oh and Happy Easter!)

Last Saturday Kris from my old job came over. She’s really into gardening and gave me a few shade and wet ground loving plants (woo!) as well as a few nice flowers that I was able to get planted earlier this week. It’s nice to finally have a “real life” person to consult about gardening […]

Easter plans

Just like last year, we’re celebrating Easter by honoring the most famous zombie in history with a day of zombie movies. I grabbed the following movies: White Zombie (1932) – A young man turns to a witch doctor to lure the woman he loves away from her fiance, but instead turns her into a zombie […]

Not a great week for women in tech…

It has not been a good week for women in Tech. Probably a quarter of the people in my friends list are women in tech, and so probably aware of what’s been going on this week, so I suppose this entry isn’t for you! There are no shortage of opinions online already, so lucky for […]


Today was cooler than yesterday, but still a nice day. After work ended around 4 I got on some heavy gloves and hit my gardens! I spent about an hour cleaning out leaves and the dead plants from last year, by then Michael was home and we went inside to plan dinner. It was nice […]


Today was beautiful. The sun was out with just a few clouds, the temperature got up to 77 degrees. I’m so glad I have a job working from home so I can open the windows and enjoy at least the breeze while I’m working, it makes me feel so good. Spring isn’t my favorite season, […]

Lew Bryson Dinner

We had a great time last night at the Bryson dinner at Northside. We met up with our friends David and Kathy, who we hadn’t seen since before the wedding. They’re great people to have a few beers with, it was nice to catch up. The dinner was great. Started off with some potato chips […]

Primetime Linux?

Earlier this month I talked some about all the great things that are working in Linux now. I started using Linux in early 2002 when Michael installed Redhat 7.2 on my computer. I was dual booting with Windows 2000 at the time, but with Michael’s help (and the help of a few friends online) I […]

Beer (again!?) and a new book

I have been writing about beer a lot, it’s just that it’s springtime and beer events keep coming up :) Plus, I haven’t really felt like blogging extensively about the projects I’m working on. The local beer bar, Ortino’s Northside, is holding a beer event tomorrow night with none other than Lew Bryson! Lew is […]

Feeling better

I woke up this morning and I think I’m finally over being sick, just the tiredness remains. What a crappy week. The cats are acting very weird this morning.

Sick, drupal and my weekend

I had a bad day. Around midnight last night I woke up with an upset stomach which lasted throughout the night so I slept horribly. I finally got out of bed around 7AM, sat at my desk until I realized that the pain in my stomach was too bad so I shot an email off […]