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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Linux, more beer and “stuff”

The weather is very messy today. This is the first ice storm I’ve experienced since I’ve moved to PA, and it’s sure hitting hard. There must be 4 inches of frozen ice pellets on the ground by now. At least it looks like snow once it lands, so if I ignore the ice pellet sounds […]

Sleep? And beer.

From the age of 14 to about 22 I regularly had trouble sleeping. I blame this initially on medication I was on in High School for my migraines (Amitriptyline, not good stuff, I blame everything wrong with me in high school on it, hah!). After I was off that I blame being a young kid […]

Productive Weekend

My weekend was amazingly productive. Yesterday I got a bit of cleaning done, but spent most of my day at the computer. Doing various updates to websites I maintain, catching up with emails that I had neglected (my inbox is almost empty!). I got caught up with blogs and news sites. I worked with to […]

My wireless card and Ubuntu upgrade

Before you get bored and stop reading, does anyone have a PCMCIA Wireless card they know works in Linux that they can sell to me? I don’t want model names in comments, I don’t want “Just get one with $chipset” – that’s how I ended up with my wonky wireless card that has mysterious firmware […]

Reasons I hate MySpace #1

The users are primarily idiots who have no respect for others on the web. It was over a year ago that I realized most of my image bandwidth was going to people posting my images on myspace pages, so I wrote some apache rewrite rules. I then neglected to recheck these rules and was disappointed […]

Cats, curtains, and radio

After work on Friday the cats went to the vet. True to cat form, they acted the complete opposite from how they act at home. Caligula was behaving badly, hissing, growling, showing teeth. Simcoe was the picture of a good kitty at the vet. The only recommendation was that Caligula lose about a half a […]

Beer Shipment

Last month and gave us the gift of a three month membership to the Amazing Clubs: Beer of the Month Club (you two rock!). I was excited about this, but skeptical about the quailty. Were they going to ship us a box of lagers? Would this be real microbrews or some lousy microbrew attempt from […]

Ubuntu and other projects

I haven’t been making real updates lately. This is a mix of being busy and just not feeling like it. Mostly not feeling like it. So Ubuntu. In November I finally made the leap, replacing Debian Etch with Xubuntu Edgy on my primary workstation. Of course being so used to the older stuff in Etch […]

The kitten

Simcoe is a delight to play with and she is so cute when she’s sleeping. But she’s also quite the kitten monster. She destroyed Michael’s speakers (which would have been a real bad thing if we weren’t intending to replace them in the near future anyway): On my monitor (you are not one of my […]

Finding beer, food and setting up our new TV room

I’ve been working from home for a week now, which was a welcome break from the usual commuting routine. I can’t begin to describe how great it is to work from home. I think a lot of it has to do with comfort level, I’m more productive when I’m comfortable and sitting at my own […]