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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Fake Curtains, UW, and other Stuff

Last week was a long week. I’m enjoying my new job but the commute is killer. Friday I worked from home, that was really nice :) While working from home I discovered that it would be pretty impossible to deal with the sun trying to come in through the blinds, so Michael helped me put […]

Friends, Furniture, Work

Friday was my last day at the Accounts Payable job. I tried really hard to focus and get a lot of work done, but honestly there wasn’t a whole lot for me to do aside from training my replacement. My replacement knows what she’s doing so there was only $company-specific stuff I needed to teach […]

Caption This!


This past weekend Michael and I did some furniture shopping. With my new job I’ll be telecommuting 80-90% of the time, which meant that we had to re-arrange the house a bit. Right now Michael and I share an office, he telecommutes 60% of the time and I work in an office, which is fine, […]


I drive a 2003 Toyota Rav4, as seen here: It’s a good truck, doesn’t get bad gas mileage for what it is, and with the good tires on it (and the appropriate amount of caution and experience) I don’t have trouble in adverse weather conditions. But it was a lease, set to expire next month. […]

Pizza and Fondue

Last night Michael made pizzas. As I’ve said before, it’s tough to get good pizza here in PA. There are a few decent places to go, but none of them are close to my house. I’ve tolerated the local pizza but complained often. I was all supportive when Michael began to test his own dough […]

Another entry about Simcoe and Caligula

OK, you’re probably getting sick of these entries now ;) But I just have one more before getting back to regularly scheduled blogging. Caligula and Simcoe are starting to get along, last night they even sat near each other on the couch and fell asleep while we had some friends over. Yesterday Michael updated the […]

The Vet

I just got home from the vet with Simcoe. She did not enjoy the visit, I heard her meows from the back as they were taking blood – ouch! She tested negative for FIV, but is suffering from an upper respiratory infection. OH NO AN UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTION!!! Actually it’s just a cold, quite common […]

Simcoe is home!

Last night I drove up to Allentown to pick up Simcoe. The woman who breeds them was very nice and lived in a nice house. She breeds the Siamese “for fun” (they don’t have papers) and Cairn Terriers as show dogs, she introduced me to her grand champion male Cairn Terrier – he was a […]

Kitten Day!

As I mentioned about a month ago we’re getting a female Siamese kitten. Well, the day has finally arrived! Tonight Michael and I are making the trek up to Allentown to pick up the newest addition to our family. I’m so excited. I’ll be sure to take a zillion pictures.