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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

New job!

I got a new job! Goodbye Corporate Accounts Payable, hello Debian systems administration, bookkeeping and working with clients. Yay! For the uninitiated, I got out of working with computers full time as a job about 2.5 years ago because the local economy became less than friendly to web developers and people without direct professional experience […]

Women in FOSS, WnG podcast, sore neck and TV

I’ve been busy and not reallly in the mood for writing. First, to follow up with the previous post about the Ubuntu-Women meeting. We had the meeting and I’d say it was a fantastic success. spearheaded organizing these meetings and really took the reins when it came to directing the meetings. She’s a wonderful asset […]

Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup Today

Just a note to continue spreading the word about the Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup day today. The Ubuntu-Women group will be having a meetup in IRC in #Ubuntu-Women on irc.freenode.net on Thursday January 11, 2007 and into Friday the 12th. Two specific times set aside to try to accommodate different timezones and be a starting point: […]

It was a beautiful spring day, in January

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. Sunny, temperature getting up to about 70F. We had the windows open, took down the Christmas tree, ventured outside to take down all the Christmas lights, brought Caligula outside for a bit while we washed both the cars with buckets of soap and water and the garden hose. This […]

Beer & Food, Claudius and New Years

This past weekend we celebrated New Years with a couple friends of ours who had come up to spend a few days at our house. I had Thursday and Friday off from work to entertain them while Michael worked. Kevin brought up a couple growlers from his local brewery, Four Sons Brewery, filled with their […]

OK so I admit it…

…I have a MySpace account. *insert obligatory excuse for signing up in the first place here* I’ve had it for years, never used it unless someone added me, tried to delete it once and never got the confirm email. But then I let it slip that I actually had one in IRC and there was […]

“No need to get into sexism”

So I’m sitting in a F/OSS channel this morning and someone joins: <nickChanged> hello dudes Now it’s possible that this person just wanted to greet the men in the channel, so I asked: <pleia2> What, no greeting for the ladies? A quick exchange follows, in which the fellow apologizes and another fellow (who I know) […]

Another “past few days” post

My holiday weekend off ended up being nice and relaxing. It began with being let out from work an hour early on Friday, always a nice treat. Saturday was my mother’s birthday and I ended up giving her a call and talking for a while, but otherwise spent the day reading and doing stuff around […]

Cat and Mouse

Versus Don’t worry, no one was hurt, Caligula is a merciful housecat with no claws. Our house was built in 1945 as what we believe was a hunting shack with a single fireplace to heat it. Over the years bits were added to it, it was expanded out the front and back for a kitchen […]

Misc stuff

I haven’t written much lately, I’ve been a bit out of sorts, but it’s nothing a little time off of work won’t cure! My company gave us off Monday and Tuesday of next week, and I’m taking off Thursday and Friday, Monday we have off and I’m taking off Tuesday. Only one day of work […]