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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We’re getting a kitten!

It’s an idea we’ve knocked around for a while, figuring Caligula could use a little sister, but we weren’t seriously looking into breeds and local breeders. Then a woman at work happened to mention that her mother-in-law breeds siamese – bingo! I’ve known a few siamese, they have temperaments all over the board but they’ve […]

Caligula’s birthday party

Caligula has a zillion toys, so this year we just decided to get him one toy, some cat grass and a delicious tuna dinner. Ooooh is that for me? Yay new toy! Attack! Rawr! Then Michael “prepared” a delicious plate of Eukanuba Morsels in Sauce with Select Tuna. Hey food! Eating!

Kitty Birthday!

Happy 3rd Birthday Caligula!

abcde + lame setup

Just posting this as some notes as to getting abcde and lame setup on my machines. /etc/abcde.conf Uncomment: # Paths of programs to use LAME=lame # MP3: LAMEOPTS=”–preset extreme –vbr-new –nohist -q 0 -V 0 -m s” (options taken from the brain of Mischa, who regularly does releases for #gamemusic) launch abcde: abcde -o mp3 […]

Starting the holiday season

This morning I spilled coffee on myself, down the front of my shirt and onto my pants. I rock. I smell like coffee and the Tide instant stain-remover pen. Last Friday was the company holiday party. I had thought about not going because of the disappointment of last year (not enough seats for dinner, lousy […]

Holiday Cards!

We’ll be sending out Holiday Cards this year again. If you want one drop me an email: Lyz@PrincessLeia.com Please include: Real Name and online nick so I know who you are Address (including country)

Honey, I brought home another crappy x86 box :D

Michael spent some time this weekend working with eon, the little Sparc32 and HK-47, the SGI O2 we received as a wedding present. Eon is running Debian Sarge and set up with the proper Perl modules to run my irssi bot R2D2. The O2 is running Debian Etch and is set up for Michael to […]

Darkness and Heroes

It’s that dark time of year where I don’t see the sun. Today: 6:30 AM: Leave home for work 7:00 AM: Arrive at work 7:03 AM: Sunrise 4:37 PM: Sunset 5:00 PM: Leave work OK, so this week is special because it’s month end and I’m working overtime (coming in early). And I do have […]

The past few days (I’m mostly talking about food!)

Thanksgiving dinner went well at my mother-in-law’s. I ate so much stuffing. Yesterday morning I made waffles with our new waffle maker. It’s a very nice waffle maker (thanks again !). And although making the batter for waffles is a bit more work than making batter for pancakes, the cooking process is really a no-brainer. […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

The three days of work I had this week flew by, and now I’m enjoying a nice four day weekend. I wish I had more of these. While I was away this past weekend Michael got to discussing our holiday plans (or lack thereof) with Morgana in Maine. She suggested that we come up for […]