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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Marketplace for free – YAY!

I was listening to the podcast of Marketplace Morning Report daily, which includes 2 daily shows that are each about 8 minutes long. Then I was listening to the ~20 Marketplace Takeout which had the “best clips” of Marketplace each week. I love Marketplace, but I’m not sure any MP3 broadcast would make me sign […]

Philcon Weekend

I had a nice time at Philcon this weekend. I met up with Nita around 7 on Friday evening and we headed down to the Sheraton in Center City to check into our hotel rooms and sign in with registration. Unfortunately they somehow never received my registration – which means my check is lost. I […]

New name and getting ready for Philcon

I got my new social security card yesterday, the government now knows I’m Elizabeth Bevilacqua. This morning I went into HR with my new card to get my name changed with work stuff. I then updated my voicemail and made sure all the proper work orders were put in to update my email and everything. […]

The past few days

Wednesday – Normal day, worked and stuff, was feeling a bit achy Thursday – SICK! A slight fever and a flu-thing kept me up most of Wednesday night and I stayed home from work. Headache was too bad to do more than to email Michael to tell him I was staying home, call my boss, […]

Quick things

1. The pool was closed at the gym today “Due to a power outage on Sunday.” Boo! 2. After a lousy night sleep last night due to post wood-piling soreness, I think the trip to the gym this morning helped work out some of those sore spots. Yay! 3. Is anyone who reads this going […]

Beer, Chocolate, Firewood YAY!

One of the best ideas Michael had for “wedding stuff” was making a Wedding Celebration Ale. I made printed the labels. It was the first all grain batch, and I believe it was his first one with Belgian ale yeast. In preliminary tastings, Michael said it came out a bit sweet. We handed out the […]

The Wedding!

We got the CD of photos back last night and I spent time after I got home from work and this morning putting together a website about the whole ceremony: The Wedding of Elizabeth & Michael The pictures came out beautifully, I’m really impressed. I haven’t really talked much about the day, I guess I […]


“Don’t take this the wrong way… but you look really good in a witch hat” – a co-worker. I dressed up as a witch this year and came into work. Another woman in the office has a monster mask, but accounting is not so easy when vision is obstructed by such a thing, she only […]

Honeymoon Pictures

With a lot of help from Michael and bash(1), I was able to get about 200 select images from the honeymoon, and the journal entries for each day, online. Including… Go here for the rest: Our Honeymoon in Sedona, Arizona Wedding pictures will be posted as soon as I have them.

We’re married! We’re Home!

A much more detailed post with lots of pictures will certainly follow, but I just wanted to say that we are married (I’m Elizabeth Bevilacqua now!) and we’re now home from our honeymoon. The wedding went perfectly, the photos are with our photographer, hopefully we’ll have those by the end of the week. I downloaded […]