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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

More wedding stuff

Everyone at work has been asking if I’m nervous/stressed out/freaking out yet. It’s amazing how answering this question 40 times in a day will actually make you become nervous/stressed/freaking even if you weren’t already. I spent one day this week wrapped up in freaking out-ness with women in the office because they wanted to talk […]

Renaissance Faire

Gosh, it’s Wednesday already! I never got around to posting what I ended up doing on Sunday. During my bachelorette party on Saturday Nita asked if any of us wanted to go to the PA Renaissance Faire on Sunday. I thought I wouldn’t feel up to going (after all, I didn’t get home until after […]

Bachelorette Party

I had a great time at my bachelorette party on Saturday. It was all a surprise to me, I had no idea what they had planned. Nita and came by my house around 4PM to pick me up. From there we went to Coyote Crossing in Conshohocken where we met Rae for a delicious Mexican […]

Bachelorette Drunk Dial LJ

We drunk dialed LJ last night.

Beer + Computers + Local!

I just got home from my bachelorette party, but I won’t write about that until tomorrow, er, later today, after I sleep. Friday night turned out to be more fun than we expected. Michael and I headed out to Ortino’s Northside for a couple of beers and a nice dinner. We hung out for a […]

Wedding stuff (not freaking out yet… much)

11 days! Last night we picked up our wedding rings from Koehlers Jewelers in Lansdale, they look great and were all fitted properly. Michael ordered his wedding clothes about a week and a half ago, they arrived in the mail on Monday. Unfortunately they turned out to be too small AND a greenish color instead […]

Make mine hoppy!

I decided to make pillows for our wedding rings in our ceremony. I had grand ideas of lace and things, but in the end I came to the realization that I need to be practical with my limited sewing abilities and just went with simple. Now square pillows are one of the easiest things on […]

More DS & Gym, a Beer Emergency and Google Juice

This morning I took my DS to the gym and played Tetris while on the elliptical. I worried that it’d be too much motion, I haven’t had too much luck with reading on the elliptical, but playing the DS on the elliptical was actually not bad. It does require extra balance, but practicing balance is […]

Politics and Guns Rant

Some days I hate the news. Yesterday while driving to work NPR was blabbering all about Mark Foley’s sexual emails to some teenage boys. That’s gross, he resigned, they seem to have proof enough to move on with a case against him as some sort of creepy pedophile. OK, I’m done with this story, next? […]


Yesterday was nice. I spent the morning finally catching up with emails and reading journals. Later in the day I spent time picking fruit to pay off my mortgage… in Animal Crossing: Wild World. AC:WW is one of my new favorite games, there are so many things about it that I love. All the cuteness […]