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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Lehigh Valley Brewfest 2006

It was a soggy day yesterday, but not enough to hinder fun at a brewfest. The drive up to Easton took a little over an hour. We were lucky to get there early enough to park in the parking lot across the street from the little park where the festival was held, woohoo! We met […]

I got my pink DS Lite!

YAY! Thank you Michael! I actually got the DS earlier this week, but I didn’t open the box from Amazon until I got home from work last night. I’m in love. I’ve never owned a hand held game machine before, and this is a nice one! I was up until past 10 playing with it, […]

Yay it’s my birthday!

I’m now a quarter century old. And happy 35th birthday to !


My allergies have calmed down some, but this morning I woke up with a splitting headache. Some Advil solved my problem within an hour, but by then it was too late to make it to the gym, bleh. The past weekend was spent organizing more wedding things, I got about half the invitations out (waiting […]

F/OSS Feminist

I’d say that KDE article went well, everyone whose opinion I care about said very nice things. I received one email about it, and it was from a software developer who wanted to let me know about his project and how much they needed artwork, documentation, usability and internationalization skills – cool! It’s funny that […]


I’ve been interviewed :)

Misc, and I have pink tissues

I have ruined oatmeal. I started bringing a box of instant oatmeal packets to work about a year ago, a quick and yummy breakfast I could prepare here at work with just some hot water. But now I’ve started to associate this yummy cinnamon apple oatmeal taste with work. It hasn’t been a terribly appealing […]

Speaking of Weddings and Honeymoons…

My sister Heather and her Husband Randy are back from their honeymoon and sent me a whole bunch of pictures last night! She wrote about the wedding and honeymoon here (hey sis, couldn’t you think of a happier title for your wedding and honeymoon post? ;)). I’ve posted all the photos she sent me over […]

Mexican in PA and Honeymoon plans!

I’ve been searching for a good Mexican place in Pennsylvania since I moved here. I’ve tried: TexMex in North Wales – Not bad, but a little too Tex for me, french fries just don’t go with mexican Tortugas in Collegeville – I’ve gone here twice, but it’s really not all that good (in spite of […]

Free movies (and some wedding notes)

Last night Michael and I watched Night of the Living Dead (1968). I downloaded it from Archive.org’s directory of feature films – a resource that I found via Romana’s blog entry mentioning it. This is a really great site. Lots of old classics that I haven’t seen are available for streaming or direct download, Night […]