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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Video games

I got my first video game console in the late 80s. My parents never wanted us to have one, they rotted the brain and all that, but after spending a month one summer with my cousins in New York I couldn’t imagine going home and being without Super Mario Brothers 3 and Tetris. My aunt […]

I populated my Flickr account

Kitten Caligula stares out window Originally uploaded by PLeia2. I don’t remember signing up for Flickr, but I did for some reason a couple months back. While going through a ton of images on my desktop this weekend I decided that there were some previously published and unpublished photos that I wanted to keep in […]

Day off

I am really liking Bloglines. I now have my account set up with about a few blogs feeding into it. I also discovered that I can use it to keep track of podcasts, previously I was just opening up the raw XML and digging out the mp3s – obviously using some sort of front end […]

My sister got married! and miscellany

My little sister Heather got married yesterday! I spoke with her last night, she was attending her reception held at her in-laws house. There were a few snags in the day (including a bit of a snafu with the cake) but she seemed happy and ready to leave the family behind to get going on […]

Experimental Hop No. 555 and Raspberry Reserve

I finally got home from work last night around 6:30, which wasn’t too bad, I was the first one to leave in my department because my boss told me I had done enough and sent me home. After being there for over 10 hours I wasn’t going to argue. Michael was finishing up some work […]

Germs, Death and Rain

Ah month end. I’m sitting here on my lunch break writing this, taking a break from the mountains of paperwork I have on my desk. It’s been the roughest month end I’ve experienced here to date. We’re still short-staffed, I’ve been working at least 9 hours per day all week – which will be nice […]

Invasion of the Insprions

It’s been a rainy weekend. Friday evening I went out to get my hair cut. I also uncharacteristically stopped at a couple department stores for some idle shopping. I ended up buying a bigger purse (which I needed) but also browsing some other departments. It was nice to just be away from work and home […]

Weekend with DarkSol

We had a nice weekend with DarkSol (Ian). He arrived Friday evening around 6PM, the drive up from VA took him about 6 hours. After chilling out for a bit we all piled into the Civic and went over to Sly Fox for dinner. Ian isn’t much of a drinker, so after a bottle of […]

How I got a free Dell Inspiron 7000

Of course less than a week after Michael spends lots of time to detail all the machines on our network, I bring home another to add to his list :) I’m friendly with some of the IT guys at work, and the other day one of them was cleaning out one of the “old computer […]

Lots of little things…

I’ve been taking walks at lunch these past few days because it’s been nice, but today it’s a bit more humid than I’d like so I get to finally write in this. Besides, MorganHorse needs something to read when she’s bored at work. I’ll start with beer. This week I tried some new beers, two […]