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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Growlers, Ubuntu and Spanish

Friday night we met up with Michael’s friend from work Juliana and her boyfriend at Triumph Brewing in New Hope for a late (9PM) dinner. I’d never been to Triumph before, it’s pretty far for us to drive (almost an hour) and the only time Michael had gone was on his way home from an […]

Reason #2

I don’t want to be buried when I die. I have a bunch of reasons why, but there are 3 major ones. 1. It is a waste of time and money to go through the embalming process, my body will be a chemical-filled mess when it’s put in the ground and won’t break down naturally. […]

Baseball and closed gyms

Michael and I went with some of his family members to a Reading Phillies game last night. Game recap here, they won 4-1. I’m not much of a sports person, as if that’s not obvious. In fact, this is only the second baseball game I’ve ever been to in my life. The first was when […]


I’m sitting here at lunch eating some leftovers from dinner last night. Michael made pasta and falafel balls. Falafel … is a fried ball or patty made from spiced fava beans and/or chickpeas. It is a highly popular form of fast food in the Arab East, but is also made as a snack food for […]

Wedding dress shopping – SUCCESS!

I went wedding dress shopping in Iselin New Jersey with Nita. It was fantastic of her to drive us up there. But talk about an overwhelming experience! First of all, Iselin is like a Chinatown, except Indian. There is Indian fast food, shops all over the place selling indian videos and such, all sorts of […]

Rock, Perl and a Dress

While coming home from the PLUG meeting on Google Internals the other night told me this story. For those of you too lazy to click (I know I probably would be) the story is about the evolution of a popular Alternative Rock radio station in the Philadelphia area, Y-Rock 100. It was an FM radio […]


I love lambics, especially in the summertime. So when Michael came home one evening last week and informed me that they Ortinos Northside had in stock some of the Floris lambics made by Delirium (who makes one of my favorite beers, Delirium Tremens) I was excited. Delirium makes lambics?! AHHH!! YAY! From Delirium.be: In 1993, […]

New girl toy

I was in bed this morning staring at the curtains we bought a few months back and wondered how much a decent sewing machine would cost. When we bought the curtains a few months back I was surprised at the cost. They’re nice curtains, and we bought them with a gift certificate a relative gave […]

Clerks II

was right, Clerks II is funny. As we all know, Michael and I don’t go to the movie theater much because we don’t like them. But last night I was feeling burnt out from another 9+ hour day at work and I wanted to watch something funny. There was nothing saved on the MythTV box […]

Sister, internet, family

Happy Birthday ! is my sister, she just got a LiveJournal about a week ago after the nagging of family members. It’s amusing to me that having an online journal has become popular enough that family members encourage each other to have them. I still think about how funny it is for me to go […]