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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Fast, busy, hot

First off, we got the FiOS installed yesterday. Michael worked from home all day so he was able to meet the Verizon techs and stick around for the 3-4 hours the install took. The install was pretty labor intensive, they had to run a cable from the FiOS box on the utility pole to our […]

Skippack Strut

The Skippack Strut on Sunday was fun. It began at Road House Grille at 1:30 in the afternoon. The temperature was hovering around 90, but there wasn’t too much humidity so it was decent in the shade and generally tolerable in the sun. First course: Road House Grille Assorted hors d’oeuvres paired with McWilliams Riesling […]

Still hating summer

I hate summer. I seem to forget every year how miserable and exhausted prolonged humid, hot weather makes me (although, I’m pretty sure people close to me don’t forget how cranky I get!). This is even true when I can hop from air conditioned place to air conditioned place, being stuck inside sucks. I hate […]


I keep blabbering about how much I love listening to podcasts at work, I’m so much happier now. Below is a list of what I am enjoying these days: Speaking of Faith Security Now This Week in Tech Planetary Radio Quirks and Quarks (great archives in mp3 format too!) Escapepod (Science fiction short stories) Penn […]

Elite, Female Brewmasters of Ancient Peru

Archaeologists: Ancient Brewery Tended By Elite, Female Brewmasters Outfitted with fire pits and large stones that supported huge ceramic vats, it had the capacity to churn out weekly batches of hundreds of gallons of brew – a highly impractical alcoholic delicacy, given the city’s perch thousands of feet above the nearest water source. … In […]

To be FiOSed!

Sunday afternoon we ended up at Michael’s brother’s house for a BBQ celebration following the Christening of Michael’s niece. We had a nice time in spite of the heat. When the heat got too bad we went inside where there was AC and the overtime bit of the final game of the World Cup. I […]

FiOS, birthdays, fires, etc

Yesterday morning we had a Verizon tech come out and check our line. There wasn’t anything drastically wrong with it, but I guess he just did some poking and tightening and now our connection is being much more well-behaved. Lets hope it stays this way. …but we may not need that line to be stable […]

Michael’s Birthday! (and PLUG)

It’s Michael’s birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYN!!! %) Last night he ended up working quite late and I decided to head down to the PLUG meeting with . The presentation at the meeting was about InfiniBand. I wasn’t familiar with the technology and so the talk, giving an overview of the history of the technology […]

4th of July

I had a nice day yesterday. Michael headed to the gym in the morning and I stayed home because 1) there were a zillion things I wanted to get done around the house and had been too lazy/hot to do all weekend 2) my gym clothes were dirty So I spent the morning cleaning the […]

Summer Beer

As a general rule, I like beers of medium weight, typically IPAs but I do enjoy the occasional Guinness or other light stout. Unfortunately these beers are best enjoyed in the winter. Their weight can sometimes be a bit much for the summer, and so I began my quest for a light summer beer! My […]