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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Fish, Finances and Wikipedia

It’s Monday and it’s still my weekend! Woohoo! Michael had to go into work today though, it seems that people I know are split about 50/50 as to whether they have today AND tomorrow off. Friday was a rough day at work, my eyes were ready to fall out of my head when I walked […]

The “danger” of -women groups

I joined Ubuntu-Women when the mailing list began earlier this year. It was another in the growing tradition of -women groups in F/OSS. After a few false starts, the group began to gather a variety of women from all over the world in it’s pursuit to bring women together and get them more involved. I […]


I was hoping today was Friday, but it’s not %( Things are still a bit soggy here. Yesterday on my way to work I had to turn around on one road because the creek had taken over the street for as far as I could see. Michael faired worse, as he was stuck in traffic […]

Dry would be nice

I sure was tired when I wrote that last entry, it makes sense but I repeated myself some and fell into laziness and rambling. I woke up this morning and the clock said 6:47. I groaned and got out of bed, feeling sore and like I hadn’t slept at all. I gave in and had […]

Gaian Mind was GREAT!

I had a blast at the Gaian Mind Festival this weekend. We managed to get two pictures out of the whole weekend (sorry !), but we were running around and having fun, and dragging a camera along when the chance of rain was always hovering was not the best option. Friday night they had an […]

“Gender Gap in Venture Capital”

I was listening to NPR yesterday afternoon and heard an advertisement for the evening Marketplace program about female entrepreneurs. Marketplace is one of my favorite radio programs of all time, but the timing of it’s evening show (6:30 on weeknights) makes it so I rarely get to listen live, but I had to check this […]

Gaian Mind

Michael went out yesterday afternoon and picked up more supplies for our trip out to Artemas, PA this weekend for the Gaian Mind Festival. I have only mentioned this on my journal in passing but it’s something I’m pretty excited about. From the website: Join us for four days and three nights of Transcendental Dance […]

No Politics

We were having dinner with a friend of ours recently when the subject of politics came up. I put up my hand and said I didn’t care about any of it anymore and I’ve given up. She protested, saying that the only way we can change what we hate about it all is by being […]

A letter

Dear inventor of those kids shoes with roller skates in them, Die. Thank you, Elizabeth Krumbach

Weekend stuff

I’m tired today. I slept enough, it’s probably just the weather, heat really takes it out of me. Michael and I went out for dinner Thursday night and I suggested we check out the new Skippack Ale House on Route 73. It use to be Samuel Eatons, and I went there with a few months […]