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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Wedding bands and Iselin, NJ

Yesterday Michael and I went out to Koehlers Jewelers in Lansdale to pick out our wedding bands. This is where Michael bought my engagement ring and he was very pleased with the experience (and I am certainly pleased with the result!). Shopping for the bands was made easy for us by an attentive jeweler pulling […]

Baby groundhogs!

Ok, so one of it’s parents ate all my cucumbers in my garden one year, but they can be forgiven because they provided us with two very cute baby animals to look at this season. *squee* Even better, Michael was the first one to spot them, and shot a video of them and Caligula chirping […]

Complaining about two little cavities

On Wednesday I left home around 8:30 for the dentist appointment scheduled for 9AM. On Monday they told me that it would just be “a quick 30 minute visit to get two teeth filled” and since they all acted very casual about it all I figured I would get out by 10 and be to […]


Things have been pretty mellow these past few days. Over the weekend we barely left the house. I spent some time on Saturday downloading Solaris 10 for x86 to toss on one of our spare machines, only to discover that the old, lousy video cards in both our spare x86 machines are old and unsupported. […]


The last time I went to the dentist was in the spring of 1999. I don’t like dentists and I wasn’t insured during most of the time between then and now. Honestly I was worried that I’d fork out the cash for a checkup visit only to learn how terrible my teeth were and have […]

Work, shoes, flowers, fish…

Work was busy this week, but it was my own doing. I wasn’t in the mood to be bored so I kept bugging my boss for more piles of work. What an oddball I am. Speaking of work, a woman recommended BirkenstockCentral.com’s Bargain Page a little while back and I ended up buying some sandals […]

The Gym and Podcast Recommendations

I know how boring gym entries are for people who don’t go to gyms (yes friend, your gym entries used to put me to sleep ;)). So go ahead and skip this entry if you don’t care, it won’t hurt my feelings. I’ve been going to the gym for about a month now and it’s […]

United 93

Yesterday Michael made the rare suggestion of going out to eat and then going to the movies. We don’t go to the theater often, neither of us like them much. We were thinking about going to see either X3 or Da Vinci Code, but after checking out all the lousy reviews for both I opened […]

Flowers, weather and my mom

It wasn’t the best week I’ve ever had. Lots of work + excessive heat == not in the mood to get near my computer when I got home at night. Michael just left for the gym and I told him I needed to stay home and be alone for a while. Not all was bad […]

Chillout weekend

It’s peony season, mine bloomed this week. We’ve had a pretty mellow weekend. Saturday during the day I did some cleaning, in evening we went to the sweat lodge. It was a pretty crowded lodge, as is expected because it’s rare that it falls on a weekend. The weather was warm and humid, so the […]