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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sly Fox Maibock Festival

We went to the Maibock festival on Sunday and I’m very glad we did. We took route 29 all the way to the festival because of the need for sunblock and hitting our bank. On our way Michael noticed a very interesting looking car behind us, he switched lanes and let it pass us, it […]

Thomas Dolby, Victory

I’ve now been to a rock concert. Sort of. It’s strange how someone my age would never have gone to a rock concert. I just don’t like crowds, and never had anyone to go with when I was in High School due to the being a nerd thing. As I got older I just got […]


They’re replacing the roof at work, it started yesterday. We had to park our cars in the back lot, which is not such a bad thing, a little walking never hurt anyone (and honestly, most of the people here need to do a little more walking). The parking inconvenience is nothing compared to the banging […]

May Day

It’s the first of May. This year is going by too quickly. I’m already looking forward to the weekend. We’ll be attending the Thomas Dolby concert Friday night. From what we’ve read, this is going to be a really great concert, even if almost everyone I tell either says “Thomas… who?” or “Haha, he’s still […]

must resist… resisting….

Oh, and there is a Belgian beer and exotic cheeses tasting going on there today that I’m not going to.. Right, like I’m going to resist a Belgian beer an exotic cheese tasting less than 5 miles from my house. We went, it’s all Michael’s fault, whatever tiny bit of will-power was preventing me from […]

Yard work, beer, misc

Friday was month end at work, what a nightmare. It could have been greatly lessened if my co-workers had properly prepared me for it – “What? You haven’t sent an email to all the locations telling them it’s almost month end?!” …I didn’t know I was supposed to! So I spent the whole week helping […]

Stuff and gas prices

Work has been unusually quiet for month end, I know I’m going to get completely slammed on Friday with stuff to enter before the end of the month; no doubt it’ll be after 6 when I finally leave here tomorrow. And I haven’t been sleeping well this week, which doesn’t help me get through these […]


The tea thing is going well. I’m still quite taken with Earl Grey, with the occasional green tea mixed in each morning. In the evening I’ve been occasionally enjoying Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea. My father used to drink Sleepytime Tea, and whenever I smell it I’m brought back to those good memories of my father. […]

Out of winter funk and angelfish :(

The weather was delightfully weird yesterday. There was a wonderful thunderstorm in the morning, I got up around 5:30 morning to throw a load of laundry in the drier and spent about an hour reading in the living room and enjoying the thunderstorm. With Michael going to the gym so early each morning I am […]

Robert Rich and hanging out with Nita

The Robert Rich concert last night was fantastic. The plan was to head down with Bob, who showed up at our house around 5:30 so we could eat dinner. Unfortunately he got a call from work about 5 minutes before we were leaving and had to go in to work and couldn’t come to the […]