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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Shopping and things

I wasn’t in the best mood yesterday. It was the culmination of a lot of things, including working some things out with Michael before the wedding, working overtime for an audit at work, feeling like I’m getting nowhere with my healthier eating/exercise/diet thing, never seeing my tulips open. So when Michael called me last night […]

Thomas Dolby and PLUG West

Michael emailed me earlier today to tell me he’d be home late and not to wait for him for dinner. I’m sitting here eating some fish sticks and french fries. On Easter things went pretty much as planned, we had Michael’s mother over and Michael roasted a whole chicken, made stuffing and broiled potatoes. He […]

Bathroom smoke stains and Easter

Once upon a time we had friends over for an evening of movies and drinks. Being the ambience suckers we are, we lit some candles in the bathroom that evening. Apparently one of the wicks was too long on one of the candles, and late that evening it was noticed that it was creating smoke […]

O’Reilly Weblog

About a month ago Carla Schroder gave me the contact information for a fellow over at O’Reilly who was looking for linux people to write for the O’Reilly weblogs. I sent some writing samples and information about my experience with linux to the editor and to my delight was accepted into the linux blogging group. […]

beer and audiobooks

Michael and I decided last weekend to slow down our beer consumption. Beer is probably my biggest vice as far as calories go right now, and avoiding it shouldn’t be that hard – right? It’s funny how becoming being a beer connoisseur has changed our dining habits. Last weekend we were looking for a place […]

dglog.pl, deep13.org and ncftp

I have been seriously inactive these past couple weeks, but things I put in motion a few weeks back have come to fruition and it’s a great feeling. First off, I got an email today, my first Debian package is now in the unstable repository. Glee! R2Q5, my 450mhz P3 that previously was being used […]

Not dead

Wow, that was quite a lapse in posting. I had a nasty cold last week that made me exhausted and very much not in the mood to use my computer when I got home from work. The weather was pretty cold and rainy, plus the whole daylight savings time thing made getting out of bed […]

Week brain dump

First off, I mentioned a couple entries ago that we went to the gatherings concert in Philadelphia last Saturday night. If you’re interested in reading a more in depth description of the concert from a fellow who knows a hell of a lot about music, pop over to read asphalteden’s review. He attended the show […]


I’m having a very busy week, and the weather is beautiful and I need to get out of cubicle-land so I’ve been going on walks during my lunch break rather than catching up on email and LJ. So if you’ve emailed me or anything in the past few days and I haven’t responded it’s because […]

apt and trees

I am in a terrible mood today :\ I don’t think there is a particular reason for this mood, but the catalyst was probably waking up with a sinus headache. I don’t want it to be allergy season already. Last night I was doing some upgrades and installing some pretty basic packages on my primary […]