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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Saturday in Philly

First off, it was a year ago today Michael and I got engaged. Hooray! It’s gloomy out and I’ll probably be spending most of today working on the computer. I have a whole pile of projects to get to work on, so many that I’m sitting here staring at IRC overwhelmed because I don’t have […]

Minirant, and stuff this week

I’ve wanted to write rants/essays about a few things this week, but once I sat down to actually write them, things didn’t turn out right. So instead I will consolidate them into bullets. The intention to make a “game for women” is insulting. Instead game developers need to take a long hard look at how […]

First day of spring

I read a friend’s blog this morning and she mentioned that Rita’s gives everyone a free regular waterice on the first day of spring. Oooh! It was snowing on my way to work today, and it’s only 39F outside now, but I wasn’t about to miss a free waterice. After trying unsuccessfully to recruit some […]

Food, mom, Ubuntu-women, misc stuff

I don’t seem to have posted much about my week. I guess most of the weekdays were relatively unimpressive. I picked up some Stash Fusion Green and White Tea and Twinings Earl Grey on our weekly grocery shopping trip, both of which are great. My tastes certainly have changed a lot in these past few […]

Coffee, Tea and Caffeine

I’m an American, Americans drink coffee. I started drinking it in my late teens when I was working 3rd shift in a store, it helped through some of those long nights. Throughout my adult life I’ve gone back and forth between being a coffee nut and giving it up completely. I enjoy an herbal tea […]

Ubuntu’s Black Eye

Yesterday a fellow in the #plug channel posted the URL to the forum thread where it was revealed that Ubuntu had a critical security bug. It’s since been slashdotted. According to the bug report, it turns out that the normal Breezy Badger 5.10 install saves your first user’s password in a clear-text file on the […]


Friday night we met the usual movie night crew, at one of their places this time. We talked a lot, caught a couple episodes of the Daily Show on their TiVo. Ate some food and had a couple beers. We ended up leaving pretty early because we were both tired. I did get to try […]


It’s so nice out today. I’ve had a nice, productive week. Wednesday morning I was almost to work when I encountered a detour on route 63, the main street of the town I work in. Great. I was late for work because of the increased traffic and I had to hit the backroads that I’m […]

Ubuntu > Debian > Ubuntu

Yesterday I was productive – hooray! I spent the morning working on several things, and realized that while I was working on these other things it wouldn’t take too much time to toss the Debian install on the laptop and see if it would work since a bunch of time in any install is waiting […]

Friends, Best Buy, Shamanism, Beer and ISOs

Today I will be productive. Thursday night I was very happy to not have work the next day and spent the evening trying to burn a Debian iso. I booted into Windows to do it, since I haven’t sorted out burning in Linux yet and was very annoyed to discover that whatever burning program I […]