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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My Past Two Days

On Tuesday night Michael took me out to dinner to Sly Fox. We had a pretty typical meal there and I got the old standard Pastrami Rueben that I love so much. We both tried their new Cascade IPA, which was very enjoyable. I spent the evening just chilling out, took a bubble bath and […]

Fortune cookie spam poetry and BitlBee

I spent all that time working on WP+LJ+Xanga stuff last night and forgot to eat dinner. Perhaps forgot is the wrong word, I didn’t eat anything yesterday until 3PM when I had some leftover pizza and just wasn’t hungry until after 9PM. I didn’t want to eat anything we had in the house, so I […]

Danger Mouse and WP Upgrade Stuff

Last night we had some friends over for movie night, and we all sat around and watched Danger Mouse. I hadn’t seen Danger Mouse in years and seeing the cartoons I loved when I was litte now continually disappoints me. So I didn’t expect much from Danger Mouse, just another thing to get nostalgic about […]


I used to love winter. All that darkness, the cold, the snugly feeling you have when you’re cooped up in the house for weeks. But things have changed. I had an excuse in 2004 for my winter being lousy – we were living with Michael’s mother until the house settlement, I had just started a […]

5 clients, 4 architectures, and 4 operating systems

I spent the day being sick and uninteresting with my second stomach bug of the season. But instead of talking about how I spent all day in bed, I thought I’d share something more interesting, the version reply of people in #13thHour right now: Aquarius: mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey auphi: mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey Baerana: […]

Unspecified Terrorist Threat

A woman in an adjoining office to ours learned this past weekend that a nephew she is very close to was killed in combat. It’s been a somber day here, one woman who has a son in Iraq was moved to tears and worrying. I don’t know the woman who lost her nephew, but a […]

My cup runneth over… with Belgians!

Since Michael was going to New Jersey on Friday I asked him to swing by the Porterhouse Restaurant and Brewery to grab a growler of the Belgian Frostbite that I love so much. He went out of his way to get there, and when he arrived he learned they had RUN OUT OF GROWLERS! Egads! […]

Our datacenter

Yesterday Michael drove to New Jersey to pick up a Sun E250 from a guy on the PLUG list. He’s wanted a Sparc for years and this is a nice machine, plus he deserved it after all the hard work he’s been doing these past few weeks. Upon reflection, this now means that we have […]

Attempting to get things done.. eventually

I intended on getting a lot done last night, but the appointment at the doctor had left me feeling pretty crappy and work made me even more tired (next time I schedule such an appointment I must take the whole day off!). When I got home Michael made dinner (which was great!) and cleaned up, […]

Busy Week

It’s been a busy week. Lots of new projects at work, things to attend in the evenings. I just got showered and am now waiting for a guy from the oil company to swing by and do the annual inspection and cleaning of our oil boiler. At 9 this morning I have to leave for […]