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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Winter days

It seems my measurement from the top of the roof was inaccurate because of all the wind, we got at least 16 inches, probably closer to 20. Michael wrote this yesterday talking about the Thundersnow that we got, I slept through it. Caligula isn’t quite sure what to think of the snow. When we were […]

I almost lost my ruler!

Snowstorm! Google Talking, Roadhouse and Perl/Tk

I spent the morning today just doing email and things, my sister Heather bought her wedding dress and emailed me some pictures, its nice. We chatted some about her wedding plans, and about mine. I checked my gmail account this morning and found that the Google Talk thing within gmail had been enabled for my […]

Bad Dream

I had the creepiest dream last night. Michael and I were living in a large house on a lake, we had a dock and friends would come over all the time to use it for their small boats and swimming. I came home after being out and when I walked into the house Michael was […]

blabbering about my weight like a girl

Earlier today I was walking through the office when a woman I work with stopped me and said “You look good, have you lost some weight?” This is the third time in the past week someone has said that, yippee! We don’t own a scale, partially because I don’t want to get wacky obsessive about […]


Last night we did the Superbowl thing. We hadn’t planned on it, but at 5:55PM Michael said something about it and suggested we head up to Sly Fox to watch. It was chilly out, which immediately put me into an agreeable mood. We arrived at Sly Fox around 6:30. We got a couple beers and […]

Lousy mood Friday and Shaman class on Saturday

I haven’t been in the mood for writing much, that emo mood I wrote about on Wednesday stuck with me through Friday. I never ended up making plans with anyone Friday night and Michael was at the men’s sweat lodge. Once I got home from work I realized that it was probably too late to […]

Emo and Evil

I’m feeling very “emo” this week; I wish I owned some good drama films that would make me cry. Maybe I’ll find someone to drag along to Brokeback Mountain Friday night. I think I’ll blame the weather, my lack of projects and President Bush on this mood. It was one of the warmest Januarys on […]

Sunday, “sushi” and stuff I puttered around with this evening

Yesterday was a pretty mellow Sunday, it rained pretty much all day. I went out and got my haircut, did some grocery shopping, made some veggie burgers for dinner and finished off the last bit of our final Victory growler. Then we watched the next bit of Bleak House on PBS. Today was a beautiful […]

Meeting boilerbonehead, good times, and Wallace and Gromit sweater!

I’m sitting here in our TV room with my laptop, a beer, the new sweater that a friend of ours knitted for me and Star Wars on the TV. Could I ask for more? Friday night we held movie night. The usual crew of , and came over and we were joined by , who […]