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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Beer and friends

Well I got my beer last night. Michael took me out to Victory. We brought our growlers along. With dinner I had a HopDevil and a Golden Monkey, both of which are very good. We got to talk a lot, and it was a very relaxing evening. We ended up leaving the brewery with our […]


I won’t be sad when this week is over. A beer tonight would be very nice!

Junk drawer

This evening I decided to clean out the middle drawer in my desk. I’ve attempted this several times in the past few months to do this, but I always ended up taking everything out, looking at it, getting bored, and dumping it back in. D’oh. This time I thought I’d take pictures and plan to […]

It’s been an odd month for weather..

I was getting ready for bed last night when I heard a crash that shook the house. “Michael? Was that thunder?” “Yeah, I just saw a huge bolt of lightning too.” I don’t think I’d ever experienced a thunderstorm in January. It was pretty intense with plenty of rain and freezing rain. By the morning […]


Feeling disconnected today. Would have been more than happy to spend the whole day snuggled in a pile of blankets and pillows. As it was, I didn’t get out of bed until the latest possible time. I was in a down mood last night too, and Michael took me out for Chinese food at Mr. […]

Sunday – laptop, Bleak House…

Yesterday I mostly just chilled out in front of the fireplace with my laptop. I tested the battery life, it lasts just under 3 hours. I learned the hard way that suspend isn’t working properly, I closed the lid and when I opened it again all I had was a blinking cursor. Oops. If I […]

So What’s the Difference? by Fritz Ridenour

Michael’s mother gave us So What’s the Difference? by Fritz Ridenour for Christmas. It was very thoughtful of her, she knows we’re really getting into religious studies. I tend to enjoy books that explain differences between religions, so I thought this could be a good addition to that collective. I gave Ridenour the benefit of […]

apt-get install atmel-firmware

I’m wireless! *glee* I have a Belkin F5D6020 Version 2 wireless card. I bought it about 2 years ago for my Compaq, I’d done my research and was convinced it would work fine in Linux. Of course when I got it home I learned that it was harder to get working than I thought. Never […]

Driving lessons, shopping, and house stuff

After a slow start this morning, Michael and I got out of the house around 11 to have some driving lessons and do some shopping. Driving lessons? I can’t drive a manual transmission car. Never even tried. When we bought the Civic with manual transmission I was scared! But Michael is willing to teach me, […]


I have an upset stomach %( I called out of work this morning, slept a bunch and now I’m sitting here with my laptop. “Hey, maybe I can do something useful like get my wireless card working while I’m home with this free time!” No go. My head hurts and I feel too lousy to […]