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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Laptop! And MoncoLUG

When I got home last night Michael had a laptop on his desk. He’s always bringing laptops home from work to work on, so I didn’t think much of it, but asked about it all the same. “It’s yours.” “Mine?!” “The last of your Christmas presents!” YAY!!! %D!! He’d mentioned an old Dell laptop they […]

Rock Bottom – KoP

Last night we decided to check another local brewpub off our list and head out to Rock Bottom in King of Prussia with Bob. In Lew Bryson’s book, he defends the fact that it’s in a mall (one of the biggest malls on the east coast!), and so we were hopeful that it would still […]


Michael and I went grocery shopping last night and while checking out the fruits I came across something called a Grapple. “Looks like an apple. Tastes like a grape.” Why wouldn’t I just eat a grape? Still, I couldn’t resist. How is this done? Some sort of genetic engineering? I must know! So I picked […]

bn.com shipments

My Aunt Elaine and Uncle Chris gave us a Barnes & Noble gift card for Christmas. I decided to use this to purchase The Question of God DVD, since I really enjoyed watching it on PBS. Of course it costs $24.98. You need to spend $25, not including tax, to get free shipping. I’m sure […]

Required reading for who?

A few months back I purchased Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing by Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher of the Carnegie Mellon Project on Gender and Computer Science. This book had been described to me as “Required reading for women in IT.” It’s not. [lj-cut] It’s a wonderful book detailing the work at Carnegie Mellon […]

Returning to Healthy Habits – 3 Month Update

Back on October 19th I wrote an entry with the subject Returning to Healthy Habits. There was tons of good advice in the comments. The entry has been very helpful getting me on the right track and knowing what bad habits I need to target and deal with. Now that the holidays are over I […]


4:20 – Wake up with bloody nose, creates headache 5:20 – Cat wakes me up to feed him, I take advil 6:00 – Alarm goes off and Michael gets up 6:50 – Michael comes in room and asks if I’m OK, “I’m fine, bloody nose make head ache” 7:25 – Normal time for me to […]

Guacamole and the weekend

Movie night went well, the usual crowd was there, the guacamole I made went over very well – it was gone before I knew it! 2 Tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped 1 1/2 Tablespoons white onion, chopped 1 large or 2 small Jalapeno peppers, chopped 1 teaspoon salt 2 large, ripe avacados (about 1 1/4 pounds) […]

This week

It’s been a fairly unremarkable week, but I will make an attempt to remark on it. Recovering from vacation is tough %) My sleep schedule didn’t get as messed up as it usually gets on week-long vacations, but I do feel it. Mmm coffee. I did some organizing for the upcoming MontcoLUG meeting, we’re going […]

Maine… how I love thee?

I came to an interesting realization when I was up in Maine for a vacation: I don’t love Maine as much as I thought I did. I love the ocean, the mountains, the general laid-back feel of the place. I’m quite proud of being a Mainer. But every time I go back I can’t help […]