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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


“Speaking of software bugs, Microsoft Windows. Need I say more?” Marketplace on the latest Windows security vulerability “which should be patched by next week”

Day Eleven of Eleven

Today was the last day of my 11 day vacation. I took a picture of the Toggle Coat I got from L.L. Bean. It’s such a nice coat, I’m glad we bought it. Yesterday we didn’t end up leaving Bob and Morgana’s until around 4PM. The drive home was uneventful, the only falling snow we […]

New Years Eve

New years eve was fun. For dinner we had really great steak, like, I-can’t-believe-this-was-purchased-from-a-grocery-store great with a bit of red wine. I pretty much wimped out when it came to drinking, had a couple bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and then switched mostly to water. Vacations always mess up my hydration schedule and I […]

Maine Vacation Part 2

It’s been a relaxing couple of days. Yesterday we thought about going to Freeport to do some more shopping, but instead decided to stay in. Michael and Bob spent the afternoon installing Debian on a computer with a fussy SCSI setup. I spent the afternoon reading journals, then went off to a quiet place and […]

Maine Vacation Part 1

I’m currently sitting at this desk at Bob and Morgana’s house in Oxford, Maine. We’re on vacation! So far it’s been great. On Monday Michael was sick, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as sick as he was that day. Something he ate? Just a stomach bug? We had to alter our “getting ready […]


I’ve been thinking about this entry for a few days, kept telling myself “too early to write it yet!” but since I’m leaving tomorrow, not to return home until after new years, I figured now is an ok time to do it. It’s been quite a year for me. In all honesty, I think it’s […]

Caligula Christmas

Enough about people Christmas, what everyone really wants to see is cute cat Christmas pictures. Caligula started the day with a nap on my lap. In the late morning both Caligula and Michael were finally awake, so it was present time! As to be expected, Caligula got lots of toys. This is the best time […]

Reservations made!

A couple weeks ago, Michael and I decided to take the week between Christmas and New Years off. This doesn’t leave much time for planning a trip, but we were optimistic. Michael looked at Bed & Breakfasts from West Virginia to Nova Scotia, the nice ones he found were all booked. This morning we did […]

What have I been up to these past few days?

On Wednesday we had Kathleen and Barbara over from the Shaman class. They’re both really great people, and since they said they’d be in the area doing some shopping at Dreamcatcher we thought we’d all get together. Michael cooked dinner, and after some initial panic (“oh no! we didn’t ask if they ate meat!”) the […]

Christmas “Ethics”

A woman here at work often wishes people “Merry Christmas” when she gets off the phone. Since we’re a big corporation, I’ve wondered about this. She’s an older woman who is quite set in her ways, and when I recently joked about the Holiday vs. Christmas thing it was clear that she didn’t appreciate my […]