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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sleep and errands

I haven’t been sleeping so well this week. Getting to sleep in the first place is no problem, but I’ve been waking up a lot. Two nights ago I woke up around 3AM and just wandered around the house, crashed on the couch for a bit, and then went to bed again about an hour […]


Sunday was nice. Spent the entire day in my pajamas, got some laundry done, did some reading. I finally got ahold of Henry Umansky, who has been super busy with work, to get info about montcolug.org. Because of all his current obligations we decided it would be best if he just handled DNS and I […]

Shopping and Beer (but mostly beer)

I’m looking forward to a snuggly relaxing day today. People were busy yesterday, so I snagged Michael to come shopping with me in Skippack. It was chilly out, but most of the stores weren’t crowded. We pretty much stuck to buying for a few close friends, I’ll mostly be sending out gift cards and the […]

Lousy Party

My nails look pretty. I might start getting manicures more often. The company party last night was a disappointment. The location was nice, but there wasn’t enough seating and the food was served buffet style. Arg! I hate buffet style. The food itself was less than impressive too, nearly-stale rolls (wtf?), lousy crabcakes, super-rare steak, […]

Cookies and parties

There are cookies everywhere in this office! Such a terrible temptation after the week I’ve had. Tonight is the holiday party for work, we’re going to Normandy Farm in Blue Bell. Quite honestly I’m not in the mood, I’m sorta tired and just feeling lousy. But it’s a very nice place, and I’ve never been […]


Remember that post yesterday where I said all that lovely stuff? The truth is, I’m having a shitty week %(

Websites and time off

It’s official, princessleia.com and wallaceandgromit.net have been moved off of our home connection and onto a server over at Phenominet. I still have shaman.princessleia.com on the home connection because I want Michael to have easy access to it, and 13thHour.net is still at home. But it’ll be a great relief to our connection to have […]

Happy Birthday Caligula!

Today Caligula is 2 years old! *snuggles kitty* My how he’s grown %D


[lj-cut]10:27:35 <lost1> are you busy today? I’ll take you to philcon if you need to get out/away 10:27:56 <pleia2> hmm, that’s very tempting, what time are you going? I hadn’t really put any thought into going. On Wednesday waltman and mentioned it, but I mostly filtered it out because my hobby focus lately has been […]

Local Lambic

After the utter laziness that characterized Friday, Michael and I got around to doing some cleaning yesterday. Later in the day, Michael made reservations at General Lafayette Inn & Brewery – another brewery that we found in Lew Bryson’s Pennsylvania Breweries: 3rd Edition. I looked up the website on Friday and was very excited to […]