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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


I didn’t end up doing much at all today: – Finished Christmas Cards – Caught up on reading journals and some email – Read for a bit – Played with the cat – Helped Michael shovel the driveway – Consumed hot chocolate and delicious chocolate coconut cookies that Michael made – Took a nap The […]

Snow Day!

You know what I love? Snow. You know what I love more? Snow that closes the office! SNOW DAY!!! YAY!!! [lj-cut] After all the talk yesterday about how they never close the office due to snow I didn’t expect this. I called the Inclement Weather Hotline at work this morning when I got up at […]

PLUG Meeting

This morning around 5:30, Caligula meowed in my face. I got out of bed, gave him food and water and went back to bed. That cat sure has me trained well. At 6 the alarm went off, I got up and turned it off. The next time I woke up it was very bright out, […]

What do you think I am, an expert?

I bought WallaceAndGromit.net back in 2002. The site replaced a section on princessleia.com about Wallace and Gromit, I just got the domain because I thought it was a great one and was surprised that it hadn’t been taken. Really, I’m just a girl who made a fansite and happened to get a good domain, I […]

The end of an era?

Back when I was in middle and high school, there was a service that hooked students up with penpals in other countries. This was in the mid-90s, before I had “discovered” the internet, and being able to write letters to someone in another country was exotic and exciting! I chose to get a penpal from […]

Holiday Cards

I’m totally stealing this idea from . Tomorrow I’m buying some Christmas cards and will begin sending them out later this week. If you want one, drop me an email: Lyz@PrincessLeia.com Please include: Real Name (and online nick so I know who you are) Address (including country) Don’t be shy! I want to send out […]

Tidbits of my past week

I had a decent week. Wednesday night we finally got to watch Man with the Screaming Brain, which was pretty funny. I didn’t go into it expecting anything (hadn’t even heard of it until a visiting friend mentioned it), and I think that was important. It wasn’t a masterpiece, but it was a lot of […]

Some success…

I was going to make the style of my wordpress site match the rest of my site, but then I realized that it would be amazingly time-consuming to do that and I don’t have that much time. So I grabbed a theme, made some alterations, and am using that now. Behold: princessleia.com/journal/ I got Live+Press […]

Bringing my journal home.

I was going to wait to post about this until I had the journal up and running for public viewing, but I had so much fun last night I have to talk about it now. [lj-cut]I started writing a Xanga journal a few years back, as the story goes, I made the journal so I […]


“Women are irrational, that’s all there is to that. Their heads are full of cotton, hay and rags. They’re nothing but exasperating, irritating, vacillating, calculating, agitating, maddening, and infuriating hags!” Professor Henry Higgins in Lerner and Lowe’s “My Fair Lady” For a long time, I couldn’t agree more. And we all know that Eve was […]