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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


I was able to get out of work at 2PM this afternoon so we could go to Varner’s Farm! We learned about Varner’s last year when I was talking to a woman at work about how we used to cut down our own Christmas tree when I lived up in Maine, she informed me that […]

Busy Holiday Weekend

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, I spent the morning working on PrincessLeia.com. I had been saying I’d redo the CSS and convert it all to PHP for a very long time, but I was never motivated enough until now. I was able to get a majority of the site moved over to PHP that morning, so now […]

Why I’ve been MIA

A year ago today I saw my father alive for the last time, we’re 10 days away from the first anniversary of his death. It seems somewhat appropriate that I’m spending the long weekend at Jim’s The Medicine Wheel & Twelve Steps Workshop. The further insight into serious addictions and alcoholism that he’s providing in […]

Sober X at work

I was at work on Tuesday and a woman came over to our department (she only came over to our department because she went to EVERY department, we’re just A/P and have nothing to do with her email problems). “I got an email from the government, I’m not sure what I should do. Do you […]

Happy Thanksgiving Snow!

I had a bad dream, so I got up and got a glass of water. While in the kitchen I looked outside – could it be? Is it SNOWING? Yes! I love snow.


Today, a co-worker gave me the most evil gift. A box of brandy-filled chocolates. “Not for work,” she advised with a grin. She had picked them up while visiting family in Canada this past week, said she thought it would be a nice gift since she knew I enjoyed chocolate and brandy. I’d never thought […]

3 Days, 3 Breweries

I had planned on crashing when I got home last night, but when I pulled into the driveway there was a Prius there. Azi hadn’t left yet! When I walked into the house the entire place smelled of hops, they had spent part of the afternoon home brewing the HopDevil clone that we got the […]

Penn Jillette on God

I was driving in to work this morning and heard this: This I Believe: There is No God by Penn Jillette. I knew about Penn’s position on God, but this was a nice, short essay (even better if you listen to it, he’s an enjoyable speaker to listen to, but the whole transcript is up […]

Swedes and Chix

I had a really great weekend. Meeting of Swedish friends! Clockwise from top left: Azi (from Western PA), , me, , Morgana (from Maine), Sand (from Sweden), and Grifter (from Sweden) DC Linuxchix-PhillyChix meeting! Not sure why this turned out so grainy, hopefully someone got a better picture. From left: Erin (Philly), (DC), (DC), Steph […]


Mmmm coffee. More later.