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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Swedish “Invasion”

Shortly after leaving Crabby Larry’s (which was quite good, their Red Ale is yummie!), we got a call from our online friend Sand from Sweden who was planning on visiting tomorrow. “We’re running a bit ahead of schedule, mind if we come a day early?” A day early would mean about 8pm that night. How […]

Stuff, wedding site, brewpub

I’m having a lazy day. It feels so good. Thursday evening we didn’t have plans. I spent a bunch of time in the evening organizing my email, which I do every couple of months when my inbox exceeds 300 messages. I had known about tagging in mutt, but this was the first time I used […]

More stuff I’ve been up to

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, but nothing I want to complain about in public. I think I’m mostly just being moody anyway. Tuesday I went out to dinner with . We tried a Mexican place in Collegeville which turned out to be pretty lousy. Not “makes me sick” lousy, but “gee, I […]

Wedding Ideas – part 2 of 3243242

Now that I’ve had time to sit down with everyone in the wedding party to discuss our wedding plans thus far it’s time to share with the world! I should make a webpage on princessleia.com so I don’t need to repeat this stuff. We have a date! Sunday October 22nd 2006 People who were invited: […]

LUG Meeting

Last night I went to the Montco/BCLUG meeting at Borders in Montgomeryville. I got to the store around 6:15, spent some time wandering around the store and sat down in the cafe around 6:40. I was somewhat nervous that no one would show up, or that too many would show up. But at 7PM, right […]

Everyday stuff

Yesterday we spent most of the day on the yard. Mulching leaves, pulling up the dead things in my gardens, cleaning gutters. I was out there from about 11:30AM-4PM. The evening was spent paying bills and doing laundry. Just all around catching up on things. Probably should have done cleaning of the house, I completely […]

Friends, birds and pictures!

Friday evening Michael invited over some friends, we had a great time. arrived around 7:30, and showed up soon after, with a couple gifts for me! They’re so sweet %) In the big red bag they brought along Scene It? Deluxe Disney Edition. I had no idea that Scene It? was a whole line of […]


For lunch I’m enjoying chili. This is chili that Michael made, using ‘s recipe for the crock pot. I don’t have the recipe here, I’ll have to grab it and post it sometime. This is some great chili. Yum yum yum. I’m such a lucky girl %D And now I have heartburn, but it was […]

Plans (Wedding and LUG)

First, and most important, we chose a minister for our wedding! We’ll be going with the woman we met Monday evening, El Sybesma. We sent her the deposit for her services yesterday. We also contacted the owners of The Castle in Maryland to discuss pricing for our little wedding, and they had no problem working […]

Wedding Ideas – part 1 of 3243242

The meeting Monday evening with the second minister on our list went quite well. We were a bit unsure at the beginning when she pulled out her wedding planning binder (we’re just here to talk!), but as we spoke with her it became clear that she had some really great ideas and knew what she […]