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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Star Wars at FI, San Francisco and Buffy

Thursday I took a half day off of work for a trip down to the Franklin Institute to see the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit. Being the Star Wars fan that I am, it’s probably surprising that I haven’t seen a lot of the original props before, but I’ve never really gotten the […]


So, I’m sitting in IRC and someone says: <person> I am typing bdaly <person> badly* See, they use this “typo*” syntax to correct their typo. What is that? Where did that syntax come from? No one I asked seems to know, there are theories ranging from it being some old DOS thing (hmm?) to it […]

Going out and a new-ish laptop!

Thursday night Alex Launi swung by to rescue me from being stuck without a car. We went out to Coyote Crossing in Conshohocken. It was a great dinner and we spent the evening talking about Ubuntu and how tough relationships are sometimes… Friday evening at 5PM I received a call from the body shop informing […]

Various things

The other weekend I was browsing the Ubuntu Planet after I posted about password stuff and saw this. Three posts in a row by women. How about that! About a month and a half ago I left TekTonic and got myself a Linode VPS instead. There were a few things that spurred this change: Linode […]

Local Linux

Just because I should rejoin the land of the living, doesn’t mean I will. In addition to just going out with friends, I have been involved in some local Linux stuff in February (I know, I’m a 3rd of the way into March already!). First was the PLUG meeting on February 6th. Peter Bailey, a […]

Life, DVDs and D&D

It’s drizzling out this morning, but I really had my heart set on a cup of coffee so braved the dampness and walked the short walk down the street to the local Dunkin’ Donuts. It’s funny living in a place where I can walk to a Dunkin Donuts, the Plymouth Meeting area is certainly a […]

Not quite 100%

I’m sick, sort of. I seem to have had this cold, in some form, for over a month now. It’s struck in different forms, the first of which was a flu where I was running a fever and had to take off 2 days of work. Since then it’s been a series of 1-2 day […]


Not that I have time for such things (I really don’t), but I do have them. Now spurred on by a recent rush of friends joining LinkedIn, a strange increase in my usage of MySpace (by increase I mean “used to never use” and “now login sometimes” – I blame Nita) and LinuxChix networking a […]

R4 damaged

Saying I had a bad week doesn’t quite cover it, and it ended in this discovery: http://princessleia.com/images/accident/ It was parked, a hit and run. I’m not precisely sure when or where it happened (between snow yesterday morning and darkness when I was out last night I didn’t notice it right away). OK, it’s not that […]

Ubuntu US PA LAN Party – Tomorrow!

My lapse in up-to-date blogging has caused me to post quite late about this. I’m hosting an Ubuntu US PA LAN Party at the house tomorrow. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PennsylvaniaTeam/Philly/PhillyLAN