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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I had a mostly good weekend.

Saturday was spent at our Shaman class. A lot of interesting subjects were touched upon, it turned out to be quite an enjoyable meeting. We came home and were feeling somewhat restless. While we were sitting around the livingroom trying to figure out what to do I took a look in the fishtank to find […]

Magic room and Mask

As I mentioned earlier this week, Michael spent some time working on the Magic Room this week. I finally was able to enjoy it tonight, and took a picture. Yesterday night Michael helped me make my journeying mask that we were asked to make for the Shaman class. We don’t have pictures of that process, […]


The absurdity of it all aside, the daylight savings time change has never really “bothered” me. Until now. Maybe it comes with age? Maybe it is because I’m on a more normal sleep schedule? Maybe it’s not the time change at all? Whatever it is, I’m sure feeling weird this week. Not really a weird […]

Dia de los Muertos Party

Last night we attended a “Dia de los Muertos” party in Malvern at Jim Frank’s house. It was fun, we met some new people. We arrived around 7PM, brought some breaded chicken that Michael made, yummie! It went well with the chips, dips, salsa and quesadillas that were provided when we got there. Mmmm quesadillas. […]

The weekend.

The Halloween party on Saturday was a lot of fun, you should read Bae’s entry because she has pictures. We spent the day cleaning the house and gettings things ready for the party, then carved our pumpkins. By 5 we were ready for guests, and got our costumes on. Around 6 and showed up with […]

Pumpkin Carving Pictures

I should write a big ole post about how much fun I had last night, but it’s a chilly fall day and we have a few horror movies downstairs to snuggle in blankets and watch. The writeup can wait, this is just a quick post to give the link to our pumpkin carving Pictures for […]

PrincessLeia.com work

As planned I spent Sunday working on PrincessLeia.com. I’m quite pleased with the work that was acomplished. Went through files in root website directory and removed old/unused files Went through CSS, greped all files to figure out what CSS goes with what pages, moved CSS files to own directory and updated pages accordingly Edited CSS […]

Sweat Lodge for my Grandfather

Last night was a very powerful night. I was able to get out of work early yesterday for the ceremony, so Michael and I were able to arrive at the lodge at 4:30PM. I was somewhat concerned about the rain, which had been pouring down for most of the day, but the lightened to a […]

Birthday Presents

Michael and I don’t tend to buy each other gifts for special occasions unless it’s something that strikes us as appropriate. This is why I am getting a birthday present nearly a month after my birthday. Plus, it takes a while to get something shipped from the UK. Behold, what Michael got me for my […]


I’m not leaving the house today. In fact, I’m going to lock upself up here in the computer room all day and spend some quality time with my computer. I’m not much of a “do stuff” person, and lately we’ve been doing tons of (great!) stuff. Each month I say “things will calm down by […]