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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Costume ordering

On Monday evening I started looking for a Halloween costume. I’ve been a witch for halloween for like 6 years, so I figured it was time for a fun change. I started out at disneystore.com – the costumes there were way discounted and I want to be a princess! ;) I started looking at Sally […]

Returning to Healthy Habits

“I’m skinnier in those pictures.” “Yeah, you are, why?” “Because I work in an office now.” According to statistics, I’m not overweight. I’m within the acceptable range for someone with my body type. I never eat fast food (pizza isn’t fast food!). But in the past year I’ve put on 15 pounds. This gain has […]

Merlynn died %(

Annette just called me on my cellphone to tell me that Merlynn died. She was 8 years old, chinchillas generally live as long as cats, so while this isn’t “young” it isn’t old either. My sister didn’t give details, but she must have gotten sick. This is sad %( I’m so tempted to go into […]

Writing and Immortality

It took me a while to realize that I made a connection between writing and immortality. PrincessLeia.com is a monster of randomness. Sorting it’s contents was incredibly difficult because the subjects are so varied. Very often I’ll take up a new thing, even something that seems normal like learning how to cook and keep an […]

The weekend, the west wing and halloween party?

I had a nice weekend. Saturday morning I spent getting caught up with email and my website stuff. Around noon I gave my friend Nita a call to see if she wanted to hang out, it had been a while and we’ve both had a rough month. Nita picked me up around 1 and we […]

Google Money

I have far too much fun with Google Adsense. I began putting ads on certain sections of my sites in the end of January, here are the monthly statistics of monies: February: $24.05 March: $12.51 April: $20.42 May: $32.64 June: $22.33 July: $21.11 August: $23.69 September: $27.30 So far this month: $40.73

Trip to New England

Under the circumstances it was a good trip up to New England. While on the trip, the subject of this blog came up a few times. How several family members read it and talk about it when they get together. Before we left, someone said “I can’t wait to read what she writes about this […]

Home again

We got home this evening around 8pm. All is well, but Caligula missed us a lot (thanks again for checking on him while we were gone!). But I’m exhausted and it’s time for bed. I will do a real update this weekend, I have a lot to think about. I also want to get out […]

The Trip

Trip plans are finalized (it’s about time!). Tomorrow we’re leaving around 9AM for Salem, Mass. We’re taking the longer, scenic way to avoid New Jersey and NYC (it’s worth the extra ~$10 in gas). If all goes according to plan we should arrive there around 5 or 6 pm. Salem is where my cousin lives. […]

The weekend and planning trip to NH

I spoke with my supervisor and HR this morning, I’m entitled to 3 days bereavement time off, which I’ll be using Wednesday-Friday so we can drive up for the memorial service on Thursday. This has worked out well, with the weekend I’ll have a total of 5 days in a row for this so we’re […]