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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My Grandfather

“The graveyards are full of indispensable men.” -Charles de Gaulle And now they gain another. My grandfather passed away this morning, he had been ill for a few months. According to my cousin he was ready. He was happy that family was making plans to come up, even if they weren’t able to make it […]

WnG & related website stats

I had such a great time last night. It’s always hard to see a movie after you’ve built up these fantastic expectations for it over multiple years, but I have to say that Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit didn’t disappoint! I’ll get around to writing a more in-depth review tomorrow. We met […]

Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit opens today in US

I can’t begin to describe how excited I am. I’ve waited for this for years! Ever since I saw that first WnG movie back in 1995 and fell in love I’ve wanted them to grace the silver screen. And now I get my wish! Today! OMG! GLEE!!!!!! IT’S HERE!! Screw Star Wars, this is the […]

Writer’s Block

Everything I’ve attempted writing since Monday hasn’t come out right. Including this. Sometimes I can’t stop writing and I’m constantly thinking about how I’ll word things, but this week is not like that. I hate these slumps. It takes me 10 minutes to form a sentence and it’s still not right. Yup, just staring at […]


I’m having a long day. I want to go home and snuggle now!

The rest of the weekend

I didn’t mention it when I wrote my journal entry yesterday, but we did end up going to Michael’s uncle’s gallery opening on Friday in Quakertown. It was great, he’s an amazing sculptor, even offering classes in his workshop now. There was a squirrel sculpture that I was quite fond of, with a price tag […]

Drum-making and Serenity

Yesterday was an absolutely amazing day, we got to make our own frame drums! I had some doubts going into this about how good a drum I could make. I don’t see myself as a very musical person, and for most of my life drums were foreign things that other people used and made, not […]

Birthday stuff

I had a good day yesterday. When I came into work there was a confetti explosion on my desk, and my boss had left a card and a gift, aww! How sweet! The gift was a very nice cat picture frame (I have a half dozen pictures of Caligula hanging around my cubicle). I got […]


Today is my birthday! %D YAY!!! I’m 24 now. And happy birthday to and too!

Carrot Cake Examined

I love carrot cake. More than chocolate cake. More than pie, more than ice cream, more than brownies more than just about every dessert I’ve ever had, those few desserts that surpassed the carrot cake in deliciousness were exceptional occasions and not repeated. I think just about everyone I know in real life knows I […]