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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


We’ve been busier than usual lately. Tonight I think I’m going to finally take some time to clean the Rav4. Poor R4 hasn’t had a bath in over a month, and it’s been a few months since he’s been completely vacuumed and cleaned inside. It’ll be nice to do that while the weather is still […]

oneko <3

I am having way too much fun with this. “discovered” it this afternoon. hour:~# apt-cache show oneko Package: oneko Priority: optional Section: games Installed-Size: 156 Maintainer: Steve Dunham Architecture: i386 Version: 1.2.sakura.6-1 Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.5-13), xlibs (>> 4.1.0) Filename: pool/main/o/oneko/oneko_1.2.sakura.6-1_i386.deb Size: 34762 MD5sum: 685372cbafab3248b8eb654f82ae057f Description: a cat chases the cursor (now a mouse) around […]

The internet is a scary place…

…when you’re using IE and have no form of adblock. Do people just get used to the constant barrage of popups and advertisements? It makes me crazy.

Gosh I’m tired! Today we spent the day over at the Malvern Sweat Lodge for a “Work Day” which consisted of chopping and stacking wood, pulling weeds and a few other small projects. Jim, the owner of the lodge and our teacher of shamanism, has been really great to us and we figured that helping […]

Steel Bull

Seriously, what the hell? I’ve been meaning to take a picture of this bull for a long time. It’s about 2 blocks from our house, in a normal, wooded suburban area – this bull is on a corner, on some guys lawn. It’s so random, and scary when you’re taking a walk in the evening […]

“We’re entitled to cheap gas because we love America”

I don’t tend to have the type of friends that send me stupid forwards, but the workplace is a different story. People here delight in sending out junk to everyone, each time I delete it and send a polite email back to them asking not to send forwards to me. But one boring afternoon I […]


Mmmm turkey on rye is the best. That’s all for now.

Voice Post: Trying Something New

Assi Plaza and hanging out with friends

I don’t feel so good this morning. My stomach has actually been doing really good these past few months, I think switching from regular milk to soy milk has helped a lot, and I’m not eating as much chocolate as I was this past winter. I wasn’t drinking beer and coffee for a while either. […]


After much hard work, it’s now up: http://shaman.princessleia.com It’s a site for both Michael and I to spout our shamanic journeys and thoughts. It’s a work in progress, we’ll be adding and expanding pages probably forever. It has an RSS feed: http://shaman.princessleia.com/?feed=rss2 I’m not doing a LJ syndication though, I’d hate for people to comment […]