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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Magic Room

“I feel like I can’t relax and concentrate, like you’re going to walk through the room, or the cat is going to come bother me.” “Yeah, we need a room for this.” We’re referring to our meditation and journeying practices. That’s when we thought of the space above the garage. We get to it via […]

Coffee Luddite

We got a new coffee maker here at work. It’s got a digital display, menus, and is all sleek and new looking. I strongly dislike it. The old one we had just had three mechanical buttons: Coffee/Tea, Espresso, Hot Chocolate. Each morning I hit the espresso button twice, to fill my cup halfway with hot […]


The week has been going by quickly for me. I’ve been doing a lot of deep thinking. Too much deep thinking. My brain hurts. All those philosophical questions that float around your head and invade your dreams when you’re studying a new form of spirituality. I’ve felt disconnected, and not much like myself. Writing about […]

Sniffles and pharmacies

Tired today. Around 3am last night I woke up sneezing. I got out of bed to blow my nose, and sneezed about a dozen times in the bathroom. This was weird, I have never had such a sneezing fit before. I tried going back to bed but kept having to blow my nose and I […]

Shaman class – Day 2

I am really tired today. I got up around 5:30, Caligula alarm clock woke me up then. Took a shower, got Michael out of bed and while he was showering I got everything together for the second day of the Shaman course. We were out the door by 6:30. It’s amazing how little traffic there […]

Shaman class – Day 1

Today we went to our first day of the Shamanic Life course. We got there at 8:30, and it turns out there are 20 people taking this course, which is more than I expected. My psychotic shyness kicked in immediately. Plus all the names to remember! I felt slightly uncomfortable, I’m coming from a history […]

boring errand stuff… and Shaman course begins this weekend!

I am exhausted. It was a busy day at work. For lunch I took a co-worker up the street to Greater India for their lunch buffet. I’d never been for their lunch buffet, it was pretty good. My co-worker was very impressed, and amused that the staff there knew me. I was so full when […]

Traffic sheep

I had the best time coming home from work today. I was driving up Route 73 from Skippack Pharmacy, and about halfway to Schwenksville there were some cop cars and a sign saying “All Traffic –>” Closing part of 73 during rush hour? Madness! Must be something bad. So I follow the detour, which is […]

Pretzels and Chocolate

A Philly Soft Pretzel Factory store opened up 2 blocks from where I work. I knew this would be dangerous, I love soft pretzels. Today I thought about going to get one after finishing my salad lunch (see, I’m trying to be good!), but I resisted the temptation. Then a woman in the next department […]

network.xelium.net launch

I launched the new Xelium website last night. Behold! network.xelium.net You may remember several months back when we had a design contest for the site. That failed miserably and I ended up pulling together this design myself using an existing logo. It sat around for months, I was trying to bother my fellow admins for […]