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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Fansites are much more fun to run when it’s a cult thing and news trickles out every month or so, each tidbit an exciting morsel of knowledge. With the release of the Wallace and Gromit movie I can’t keep up. Just this week I missed the news about the World Premiere! Had to post about […]

Outing w/ Bae and stuff I did today

Yesterday evening I picked up and we went out to the KOP Mall. As I mentioned in my last entry, I wanted to see if I could find some Wallace and Gromit toys. I guess I was really looking for an excuse to get out of the house. After this busy summer, having a weekend […]


Yesterday was uneventful. Friday night we had Bob and over for movie night, unfortunately my allergies were acting up and I didn’t really enjoy myself. Michael suggested that I take some of the 24 hour Claritin D that we had (normal Claritin doesn’t do anything). We watched MSTed Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders and by […]

Assi Plaza

On our way out of work yesterday I was talking to the woman in the next cubicle about Indian food. She’s never been to Greater India and we thought it might be fun to go during lunch sometime next week. While on the subject of food she mentioned a grocery store up the street called […]

Gas prices

I’ve been listening to economic commentary about the rising prices over the summer. Besides the drop in SUV sales, the general public hasn’t been too upset over the prices so far. Polls have indicated that people aren’t changing their driving habits that much. It’s been a grand debate as to when the prices would get […]


I was combing my hair before my shower when I looked in the mirror and saw a big, dark spider up in the corner above the shower stall. Ugh. I don’t mind spiders much, but this one was big, with giant fangs. But it was up too high for me to practically reach it before […]

Drum shopping

We went drum shopping today. Real life shopping for Native American drums is one of those things that is somewhat hard to do because of the difficulty in finding local resellers. There are music stores in the area, but mostly they just have modern instruments. We went to a really nice drum shop in New […]

The Zoo!

Today I finally went to the Philadelphia Zoo. I like zoos. I know a lot of people have issues with them, but I don’t as long as the animals are well taken care of. And it means I can see cute fluffy things I wouldn’t normally be able to see. It’s all about the cute […]

Caligula IS Mahjongg

My brain was feeling toasty (no, not from the beer, it was from the long boring week I had!). So I wanted a mind-numbing project. In order to get in the brain numb mood I decided to play some mahjongg. I play the gnome version of mahjongg (in gnome-games package), because it works nicely. But […]

tempered over burning witches

When we first went to Ortino’s Northside both Michael and I had a good chuckle over the Monty Python Holy Grail Pale Ale from Black Sheep Brewery in North Yorkshire, UK. We didn’t order any though, since we figured it was all about the label and the beer would suck. Tonight I finally broke down […]