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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


According to the 2000 census the town of Schwenksville has a population of about 1000. It’s probably grown in the past few years with the construction boom in this area, there are whole neighborhoods around our house that are shiny and new. But it’s still a small town, I’d certainly never heard of it before […]


So google has it’s lovely jabber server. Talk to me: pleia2

omg famous

During the first bit of my lunch break I decided to go for a walk because it’s so nice out. While on my walk I decided to drop into the Lansdale thrift store to check out their scifi book section (which has been awful lately, and was today too *sigh*). While thumbing through a book […]

Friends and installing stuff

Friday night we had and over for movie night. Had some pizzas and beers, watched a couple movies. It was a nice relaxing evening. Saturday I spent the morning taking apart hour. I’d finally finished with my extra 80 gig drive, so I wanted to remove it, and while I was at it I figured […]

Aunt Meg’s Visit

I left work yesterday at 4pm. By 4:30 I was pulling up Woodland Ave when my cellphone rang. “Hi, Beth[1]? I’m at your house.” “Oh! I just pulled onto my street, be there in a sec.” Michael came down when I pulled in the driveway (he’d been working upstairs) and greeted my aunt. The first […]

<3 myn

Yesterday evening when I came home Michael had the whole lawn mowed. It looks great. Then he made dinner, chicken and veggie kabobs on the grill, yum! He also did laundry and said he would do any other cleaning that needed to be done today. Gosh I’m a lucky girl.

Debian reinstall, the lawn and we met a very small person!

Last night I reinstalled Debian. I really wish I had taken notes last time I installed the system, since I’m going nuts trying to remember all the packages required to install the real nvidia drivers. Why reinstall? I had two 80 gig drives in my system (Windows 40G, vfat 40G, Linux 80G), and we needed […]

The “race” to see my place

Michael and I moved into our house in January of 2004. His mother saw it the day we moved in, his father and brother finally saw it this summer. No one in my family has seen it. I’ve had a few aunts and uncles say they’d stop by while in the area. My mother drove […]

Cat collars and power outages

I’ve had better weekends. I got a lot of website work done, but I felt like a captive trapped in the upstairs Sunday. The heat was just as oppressive as Saturday, the only thing we did downstairs all day Sunday was make and eat dinner, after which I was all sweaty and had to go […]

Just another entry complaining about the heat

This is now officially the hottest summer I’ve ever lived through. Maine certainly never got this hot. I don’t do well in the heat, but over the past few years I’ve gotten better. Yesterday was a bad one though. Most of the day I did ok, was doing work on some things, hiding in the […]