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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

DVDs in Linux on a Friday Night

Our plans for Friday evening were ruined by the heat, so instead we ate some DiGiorno Pizza and chilled out with our computers upstairs in the A/C. I needed a project. I’ve had this DVD-ROM sitting on my desk for over a month. and gave it to us last month (thanks!) because we didn’t have […]


I was adding ‘s cellphone number to my phone (just in case we decide to go clubbing in Philly sometime) when I realized that out of the 14 “Friends” listed in my phone I used IRC nicks for 9 of them. To be fair, 2 of them use their “real names” in IRC, so perhaps […]


Dear 4th heat wave of the summer, I hate you. – Lyz


My printer has been very crankie today, keeps getting paper jams. This happens about once a month, it’ll have a day where it jams with every 5th sheet. It’s a good thing I’m in a mellow mood today. I’ve been in a mellow mood all week. I think it’s just contentment. I felt great after […]

Site Launch and the rest of my weekend

I had a productive weekend. Michael was gone friday evening and most of the day Saturday, so I had a lot of computer alone time. I spent it working on 13thHour.net. My idea was to get wordpress up and running as a “blog/news” front page of the site, and then using that same theme to […]


In May of 2005 two similar domain names that I wanted were due to expire. One was renewed, but the other was abandoned. For 3 months I’ve been keeping my eye on this expired domain name, waiting for it to be dropped back in the pool of domain names that could be bought. I pretty […]

.005 seconds of fame

I googled my name the other day, and boy was I surprised when I stumbled upon this. It’s a PDF version of the 2005 Addison-Wesley & Prentice Hall PTR Catalog for Unix/Linux, the one that I have blurbs in! I never thought I’d get my hands on a copy (and I’d still love a paper […]

That Fish Place

We went fish shopping today. But not at the normal local pet store, we decided to drive out to Lancaster to go to That Fish Place. It’s huge, and worth the hour+ drive to get there from here. Armed with our fish compatibility charts we picked out some fish. Two Silver Hatchetfish And Two Emperor […]


I tried out Readerware at the recommendation of a few people, since I was looking for something that I could catalog all my books and media with. The short review? It’s probably the best software out there to do it, but it’s not the best software I’ve ever used, and the Linux version is a […]

Hershey Park

We decided what to do yesterday afternoon, go to Hershey Park! Because it was afternoon already, we planned to grab some half-priced “after sunset” tickets, which let you be in the park from 5pm until closing at 11 (the times change seasonally). There were definitely more people than I expected, and it was hotter out […]